Celebrating The Month Of Love With Special Someone

The Month of love sets the tone for a higher notch of romance. When we look at things through the lens of love, they look so mesmerizing. Love is in the air for everyone here in Big Apple. Aaliyah has set up a beautiful ambiance at home with lights, crafted glass bottles, and some antiques that we have wanted for a long time.

Steve was here with us for lunch yesterday. The three of us munched on some yummy tacos, cheesy nachos, and pasta from our favorite place.

“How are you celebrating the Month of Love?” I asked him.

“I have planned to spend this whole month giving more love and pampering to my pooch, Nancy! Coming home to those four paws have always made me feel out of this world. The love I see in her eyes is priceless! I never feel that I am alone!” He replied.

“Steve, you remind me of my time when I was staying with Aunt Daisy. I used to drop my plans just to spend time with her indoors. She gave out such warmth and comfort that I seldom felt away from home. I enjoyed baking with her the most. My friends too were so fond of her!” Expressed Aaliyah.

“I have a similar story like you, Steve. When I was new in NYC, it was Kong, my pooch who had given me the best days of my life. He transformed my bad days into the best ones. It was like the first few months, I was taking care of him and later he has been taking care of me after growing up with all his love and loyalty. In return, he just wants those belly rubs,” I expressed.

“Kong is the best! I knew that I wanted to be a dog mom when I met him for the first time at his place! And we three are so happy since then!” Said, Aaliyah.

Love Your Pet Day is here! Why don’t we celebrate it together with our pets?” Suggested Steve.

“That’s a great idea! This plan is going to be so much fun!” I replied. “Let’s do it! Our handsome Kong will be so happy in pretty Nancy’s company!” Expressed an overjoyed Aaliyah. We all laughed at this and got busy planning for it.

This month is all about celebrating the essence, purity, and innocence of love. We all have that someone in our little universe who brightens up our days with their love and compassion. Their presence makes us thank the universe a thousand times. Love comes in different forms, genders, shapes, sizes, and colors! And when they come in four paws, they look the best and the cutest!

Who is that one being in your life who has turned your life beautiful? Share with me!


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