Skating Tips, Genuine Warmth, Inspired Peace

Hello people,

It was just another day when this dude came and brightened things up, igniting my passion for roller skating after a long time! Doting grandparent spread out love for the lucky grandson and Obama’s Noble inspires on the micro level as well. Find out more…

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“Hey, Bob!” [Oct 25]

Ethan, Donna‘s son, has been making some waves in his school recently. He prepared a presentation on the water crisis that we are about to face in the next few decades or so. His work was highly applauded by students and teachers. When Donna told me about it proudly, I wanted to reach over and congratulate him myself. But things got delayed and my intentions didn’t exactly translate into actual action. He’s no more in the office waiting for mom, so I didn’t see much of him as well. Until yesterday.

I noted someone sitting at Donna’s cubicle, picking up the knickknacks Donna decorates her cubicle with. I couldn’t see either the head or the clothes. When Donna saw me, she waved at me. This person turned around. It was Ethan. He beamed and shouted, “Hey, Bob!” His voice boomed in the office corridor. I saw Ryan peep out of somebody’s cubicle. By the way, you can never find Ryan in his cubicle. When he gets work done, no one knows! Ethan came up and gave me a knuckle punch. “I wanted to ask you a favor,” he shot, “I want some skating tips!” Oh cool! We took an early lunch and the next hour was spent discussing inline and quad roller skates. Life’s fun sometimes!

Candy Corn Grandson [Oct 30]

I have mentioned my glory days with the candy corn many a times in the newsletters. Someone else can talk about similar memories when he grows up, too. Andrew loves his sweet tooth and Frank, his doting grandfather, is no stranger to this fact. It is Frank’s initiative this year that Eleanor made some lovely candy corn goodies for Andrew. He’s been bugging her for weeks now. Despite Eleanor’s assurance that things will be prepared when the time comes, Frank finds no solace in her assurance. Unless it gets done and Andrew has it, there’s very less chance of this man taking a deep breath.

Eleanor is surprised that a man of the world like Frank could turn into a person who’s so eager to please. It’s just months and already Frank has made a room for himself in everyone’s heart, as the cliche goes. Admitted that he doesn’t really know the ways of the urban world much, but he’s got this genuine warmth that radiates itself. Andrew is his favorite now and Frank is more on Andrew’s mind than his wonderful grandma. Frank is also a favorite with Kong. It seems all of Eleanor’s fans have switched loyalties!

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Inspired Peace

The Nobel for Obama has certainly inspired Fred, if not the detractors who continue ranting that he was rewarded for hope rather than for actual achievements. Fred sees a lot of hope in Obama’s words: “…as a call to action, a call for all nations to confront the challenges of the 21st century.” He was talking to me over coffee. “You know Bob,” he was saying looking into down the road dotted with busy office commuters, “I feel sorry for these people who are always trying to pull people down. Is it very important who got the medallion? Is it not enough that the peace initiative is being appreciated?”

I could understand what he was getting at. But such selfless thoughts do not come to everyone. All these people walking back home after a hard day’s work are the real people. They know competition; they have been herded to join the race. Nobody asked them if they wanted to be a part of it. They measure success in terms of tangible achievements. I mean, you cannot expect a person to be delighted with joy if his co-worker and competitor get a raise and he doesn’t. But I couldn’t point this out to Fred. He’s caught in some time warp and I’m definitely not going to be the one who’ll jolt him to senses.

Love Makes You Beautiful?

This could be the classic story of a bookworm turning into a beautiful swan. This is not exactly my expression. Adrian told me so when he heard about what’s going on between Rachael and Irina. Rachael has suddenly woken up to the fact that she needs to look her best. Rachael knows, and so does everyone, that the best person who you can turn to for fashion tips is Irina. Rachael asked me for her number. Rachael knows Irina well but they are not exactly phone buddies. But Rachael has a way with people. She can endear herself to anyone in very quick time.

Irina was, of course, more than glad to help. Irina outlined many beauty tips for her, including make-up and all of that stuff. Rachael’s mom is a complete dud at that, so Irina’s help was very welcome. Irina also taught her to take care of her make-up stuff and how to avoid infections and skin rashes. But the best advice or thought, whatever you call it, came from Liz. Liz told Rachael that at the end of the day love is a matter of the heart and not of the face. Liz said, “When someone loves you, it’s never because of what he finds beautiful on your face; it’s what he finds in the person in you.”

Here’s a beautiful Zen quote on beauty by an unknown person, but definitely someone who thinks like Liz: “The greatest treasures are those invisible to the eye but found by the heart.”

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Keep loving,

Editor, 123Greetings

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0 thoughts on “Skating Tips, Genuine Warmth, Inspired Peace

  1. B. “A Woman in Love”, is at the end of it afterall. Rachael is so mature. I agree with her, I can never forget him. He revived in me something that I had thought over the years had faded. It’s as if he had lifted me up high and placed me on his strong shoulders. I am giggling, laughing and trying to keep my balance while sitting on his shoulders. He is my loving friend. L.

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