Spread Peace And Appreciate The Hard Work & Creativity!

Charity begins at home and our collective home is our planet earth. Come, 22nd of April, on Earth Day be sure to remind family members and friends, of the beauty and benefits mother nature provides for all of us to appreciate and enjoy. Spread the message of peace and protection. Happy Earth Day!

Continuing the mood of gratitude and giving, 23rd of April is the Administrative Professionals Day. Time to reach out to all the administrative professionals you know and thank them for their unconditional support at work with Happy Administrative Professionals Day cards. You don’t need me to tell you how far a tiny bit of appreciation can go, do you? Happy Administrative Professionals Day!

After a day’s break on the 24th, get ready to roll up your sleeves and plant a tree on National Arbor Day. Maybe you can compete within the family to see who plants the most trees in the neighborhood! Happy National Arbor Day!

On 26th of April, is my personal favorite – World Intellectual Property Day – it’s an event we added just last year, to appreciate the creative minds and inventors amongst us. The geniuses are somewhat underappreciated and sometimes even dismissed as geeks. Let’s be nice and give recognition where it’s due. Let’s celebrate creativity, innovation and the might of the human spirit!

Since we’re beginning this gratitude week, I’ll also take this opportunity to thank you, our wonderful users. You help us make the world a happier and a better place.

Earth Day
April 22, 2014

Send Earth Day Ecard !
Send Earth Day Ecard!

National Arbor Day
April 25,2014

Send National Arbor Day Ecard!
Send National Arbor Day Ecard!

World Intellectual Property Day
April 26, 2014

Send World Intellectual Property Day Ecard!
Send World Intellectual Property Day Ecard!
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One thought on “Spread Peace And Appreciate The Hard Work & Creativity!

  1. B., And thank you, you wonderful writer you. I really appreciate all that you have given your readers. It certainly keeps my work week going so that my weekends are even more pleasant as I often think about the stories you have written over the course of the week. How do you keep it rolling, B.? It is quite amazing. Thank you for it all, L.

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