Staying Rooted To Our Goals This New Year

All charged up on New Year’s morning, I was out with Kong for a run in Mrs. Bradley’s garden. When I got back, I saw Megan and Aaliyah talking. They were sipping their coffee and Aaliyah was explaining something.

“Hey, Bob! I was nearby to get cakes so thought of bringing breakfast and enjoying it with you both. I got your favorite muffins!” She said.

“Thank you, Megan! Starting the year on a sweet note!” I said. “Absolutely!” She replied and then Aaliyah got up to get the plates.

“Aaliyah was talking to me about how excited she is right now for this year. Like the things she has on her list, she is looking forward to ticking them all! What about you? You too have a list?” She asked.

“Yes, I do! I too can’t wait to start working on them,” I replied.

“I always wanted to know more about this. How do you do it? Like it’s so tempting in the beginning to make that list, but slowly I don’t know what happens! I simply lose touch with it and I am unable to fulfill them,” She expressed.

“Well, there are ways to stay rooted to the goals. They make it easier!” I said.

“What are they? Please tell me!” She asked.

“So, firstly, you have to be sincere and not think it’s just a page in your diary. Take each day at a time and work at it. Secondly, be consistent. Some will happen in days while some might take months! Be patient! Don’t give up! And, lastly, you will have to stop making it boring! Like, make sure it involves a lot of fun and you don’t feel like it’s a task,” I replied.

“Now that sounds like I can do it too! I will follow your footsteps!” She replied.

“Great! Just follow them after making your list and see how you keep on ticking one after the other,” I replied.

Aaliyah came with plates and we indulged in a delicious breakfast.

Infused with the fresh enthusiasm of the New Year, we often end up making a long list of things that we want to achieve. However, with time we forget to keep up with that spirit and pace with which we had started. We stop being consistent and sincere! That is where we lack and the list goes for a toss! We should avoid doing that and work at the goals with the same high spirit with which we had written them down.

Let’s not let ourselves down in this New YearHappy New Year to you all!

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