We Equally Feel Like A Winner On This St. Patrick’s Day

It’s time to decorate it all green. Green shamrocks, green centerpieces, green rugs, and of course a grand Irish menu because it’s St Patrick’s Day! This time we are having the celebration at Mrs. Bradley’s place. Yesterday we all went there to help Mrs. Bradley with all the arrangements.

She welcomed us with an Irish tea cake to start the celebration in full swing. “Before starting with the decoration I want to say a few things,” She said. We all sat quietly.

“Firstly, I want to tell you all that the power of patience is for real. And, we need it the most when things fall apart. Bob, your encouragement never let me give up even at this age. Secondly, there is no substitute for hard work. Lastly, I want to thank all of you for being there with me when a part of me was breaking inside. Now, I am doing great and feel that the tough time is over!” She expressed.

“Oh, Mrs. Bradley common now! All that matters to us is you being happy and greeting us with your lovely smile. Trust me it brightens our day!” I replied and everyone else gave a warm group hug to Mrs. Bradley.

Having no degree in music didn’t make it easy for Mrs. Bradley to get a job as a pianist. But, she did well as a personal tutor. The last two years were challenging for her to carry on with the expenses as the number of students went down due to Covid 19. She never gave up and started giving online classes. Slowly things took a positive turn and her videos and lessons got popular. She started having new students and now she is doing great! She was both patient and hardworking!

The challenging days shape us into winners! When everything falls apart, that’s the time of a real test. If we can hold onto patience and a ‘never give up spirit’ then we can change the narrative the way we want. With the support of our loved ones, it only gets better and we stop feeling helpless. We see hope in that encouragement and that acts like a fuel that keeps us going. And slowly, we come out as proud winners who made it till the end.

We are all happy and equally feel like a winner in Mrs. Bradley’s journey! We can’t wait to have a great time on St. Patrick’s Day!

What are your plans? Do share with me!

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