We Made It!

Last evening Steve, Adrian and I decided to meet after work. This meet was planned a year back. Yes, you heard that right! But, why a year in advance? Confused? I’ll tell you! Friendship Day is here and this one is a significant one for the three of us!

Last year, Steve was having trouble keeping up with his finances. It was getting tough to keep up with the company costs and keep paying for all the resources. Adrian was juggling between his job and his new venture with May.

I on the other hand was struggling to get a new apartment. Both Aaliyah and I wanted a bigger space. It’s difficult to get it in NYC especially if you have a desired one in mind!

Each of us was some way or the other bothered with our own share of issues. Last Friendship Day while we three were spending time together we spoke about our scenarios. At that time we reminded each other how the three overcame every challenge during our college days. We never gave up both individually and collectively! In moments of weakness, we always supported one another.

“Okay! Here’s how we can try to make things better. Steve, we will make sure you take care of your company investments and make great pitches to new investors! Let’s brainstorm together. Adrian, both Steve and I will make sure you have a disciplined schedule so that you can spend a good time for this new venture! Time management is your key!” I said.

“And, we both will ensure that we spread the word and get the best apartment for you! We will look for places!” Both Steve and Adrian replied.

“Perfect! By the next Friendship Day let us report our victories!” I expressed.

And, exactly a year later we were here! Celebrating our victories! Steve was able to pitch in more clients and his wealth has multiplied. Adrian has progressed so much with his new venture and has two new investors. And, I have found a new apartment where both Aaliyah and I are ready to move in.

The three of us agreed that it wouldn’t have been easy without the collective efforts. We soaked in every bit of the evening breeze that swept across the Big Apple. All three of us were happy. “We made it!” The three of us said aloud. Just like how we used to when we were in college! Then we went to the nearby lounge and raised a toast to this friendship.

They say that friends are the family we choose after we are born. Very rightly so! They give us strength when we are at our weakest. They remind us that no challenge can stop us. With them, we live a little better and laugh a little louder! They add color and humor when it feels drab. They don’t let us give up and they don’t give up on us! That’s true friendship! Thank God for friends! Happy Friendship Day, every one!

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