Hello friends,
Two weeks into the New Year, we are settling back into our groove again. You guys must be steadily going through the paces in office and catching up on work after all the party. There’s that air of festivity still floating around. And, there’s a positive energy, that generally accompanies a season of new beginnings. Let’s catch up on some people who are feeling the positivity in the same way as you and me. |
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Martin Luther King Jr. Day [ Jan 19]
Can you believe that we’re about to inaugurate the first black President in the history of the United States? I think it’s really fitting that it’s the day after Martin Luther King Jr. Day. The election night was a historic night for all of us. Were you glued to the TV like I was? Have you ever noticed that there are certain points in our lives when we temporarily become news junkies? I can recall a couple of major events and this Inauguration Day is going to be one of them. Fred is organizing a little get together so that we can meet the people who campaigned for Obama. To Fred, these are the real heroes of change, the ones that made it happen. “Yes, we can because they did it,” said Fred full of enthusiasm. So we’re all going to watch the inauguration together. It’s somewhat unusual but these are unusual times after all. There’s also going to be a lot of Pecan ice-cream in honor of the “Yes we can!” campaign. Come to the Facebook discussion to talk about how you feel about Obama’s Presidency. What are your worries, fears, hopes and dreams? We have a whole community out there of readers so come and connect with us. |
Strawberry Ice Cream Day [ Jan 15]
Megan proved once again why she is THE favorite person in our group. She’s not only the person we go to for some practical advice, but she’s also the person who’s always been there for us. Ethan and Emily love her and so does Rachael. Donna wanted to treat all three of them to ice-cream and who else will she turn to for help? Megan put on her chef’s hat immediately and suggested that they make homemade ice-cream. They got to work at Donna’s kitchen. The results were amazing. Rachael gave me the inside scoop on the phone. So I managed to get myself invited as well! Megan didn’t stop at making the strawberry ice-cream. She laid out the dinning room like a kids party but in a very fancy way. There was a delicious smell floating about at Donna’s place. I peeped into the kitchen but got thrown out. Megan wouldn’t let anyone have a sneak peek. The children were better behaved that I was! I think they were chased out too, though they wouldn’t admit it when I asked them on the sly. No one seemed ready to go against Miss Popular. Neither will I, if I get to have those delightful dollops of strawberry ice-cream everyday! It was sinful and deliciously so. The children were ecstatic and so was Donna. Yes, you can count me high up on the list as well. |
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Whisper ‘I Love You’ Day [ Jan 19]
There is something about love that makes the walls between people to shrink and bring them together. It wasn’t long ago that Adrian used to get home, all cranky and grumbling, because he didn’t really have anything to look forward to the next day. After Cathy came into his life, things changed drastically. He’s no more a man who’s waging a war against himself. He’s at peace and that shows in his attitude to others. I can’t remember where I got this from, but the idea really sums up what I feel about the effect of love on someone. They say that love is like a torch that illuminates everyone around you. I think that’s exactly what happened to Adrian. The other day, Adrian rushed in with a broad smile. I was reading a book and looked up with quizzed eyebrows. He held out his palm. On his palm was written: “Kimi o ai shiteru”. My brows knitted further. He hollered, “Do you know what this means?” I shook my ignorant head. He let out a thunderous laugh and sank into the couch. He was drawing out the suspense! Then, he started smiling and laughing as he told me that Cathy wanted him to accompany her to bake a cake. (Megan’s recipie of course!) When the cake was done, Cathy wrote on it: “Kimi o ai shiteru”. “When I looked puzzled,” Adrian continued, “Cathy came up to me and whispered ‘I Love You’ in my ear. Ya know Bob, I was so stupid, I told her, ‘That’s fine, but what does those words mean?'” Yeah Adrian, I thought, only you could say something like that! Anyway, when matters were clear to him that the words meant ‘I Love you’ in Japanese, he was blown by Cathy’s gesture and he wanted her to write it on his palm as a memento. Isn’t that romantic? |
Have a Nice Weekend
Donna and her kids are going to be visiting the grandparents in Cambridge, MA. Donna is of course dreading the visit because her ‘rents are so high brow. She’s dressing Ethan and Emily up in a very preppy way. When I saw those kids, I didn’t even recognize them. I’ve never seen Ethan in a suit and tie. He looked like a little CEO of a Fortune 500 company. Ethan and Emily look so different all decked up. Emily even had little pearl necklace. They look really cute though. Adrian is, of course, off to bake some more cakes with Cathy this weekend, so I have the place to myself. I think I’m going to be hanging out with Irina. And it’s never a quiet night when I hang out with Irina and her crew. I’m really glad for Adrian though, I mean, it’s been almost a year or so that he’s been in the city and he’s already found love. I’m glad that there’s someone who loves him back. Which brings me to the Zen quote for this week, it was Herman Hesse, one of my favorite writers who wrote, “If I know what love is, it is because of you.” Is there someone in your life whom you feel this way? Write me an email or leave a comment on my Facebook profile. |
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Editor, 123Greetings
B.Yes, there are several people whom I am in love with. Two incredibly kind and loving men that I think the world of. My husband and my guy friend. They both are thoughtful of others and are very considerate to me. I think I am not much of a looker, but they make me feel so beautiful.They also listen to me and treat me as an equal.Never demanding or bossy. Both fellas are very warm and sweet. I know my guy friend’s girl is a lucky woman as he shows her great affection in holding her hand or kissing her when the feeling takes him. Just like my husband.
And I have whispered to both fellas, “I love you.” I would do anything for both these men. I am most fortunate to have them in my life.
Love is so strong. I feel its power every day when I am with them or when I am thinking of them.Love recreates ordinary time into extraordinary time. The air around us feels electric! love to you, B. L.
your storie are nice keep it up
B. I am a teacher and I let my students out early today in order for all of us to watch the televised inauguration of the 44th President of these United States, Barack Obama. There was a large screen TV in our main art gallery for all to view and I also invited my students to view the event in my office on my laptop Mac.
Barack Obama’s speech was wonderfully up lifting. My students and colleagues cheered non-stop while he spoke words of hope, love and encouragement. After the event, we discussed how we must try to do our part in aiding the country and its people. My students are my best teachers as they do remind me of how I can better myself and care about others more. I hope you and your friends had a good time on this historical day. It really is a miracle. I was so moved, I cried with a big smile. love to you B. and your friends, L.