Women’s Day, Weighty Issues, Veteran’s Tips

Hello there,

Happy International Women’s Day! In this edition, women can find out some effective street-smart tips! And guys will find out what not to say when your partner asks about her weight! And a simple way to lead a better life, coming straight from a veteran. Tune in…

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Woman On The Move [Mar 8]

Donna is part of a women’s group that looks to empower working women with confidence and counselling. Donna was explaining their work to Megan and Kate the other day. Donna was telling them how they can be more vigilant on the road and ensure their own safety. “You know,” Donna said, “By following some simple steps you can save a lot of hassle and worry!” Donna advised them not to listen to music when they are walking along busy streets. “Music makes your mind less alert,” was Donna’s point. Megan and Kate seemed to agree and when you find Megan not asking questions, you know the person is speaking sense!

Some of the tricks were really interesting! “Look confident!” Donna said, “The person who thinks of causing harm will think twice and more if you appear confident and a hard nut to crack!” Donna advised them not to rummage for things in their bags and purses when they are on the road. “A little bit of planning and you can have things ready at your disposal,” was her next tip. But something that didn’t go down well with Megan was Donna’s advice to be curt to strangers. Donna had the last word: “When your safety is at stake, keep your politeness for your boss and high school teachers on your social networking page!”

“I Want You To Be Happy!” [Mar 3]

Eleanor was at my place when Adrian walked in with the news that Cathy’s favorite aunt passed away. This was ghastly news for Cathy. Adrian was at a loss of what he could do to make the pain bearable for her. I looked at Eleanor to bail him out. Eleanor told him, “It’s difficult to say something in these times, better do something!” Adrian looked at her with a quizzical look. “Take her to a place where you go when you look for some peace,” Eleanor said. Adrian smiled, it seemed like he was getting what Eleanor was trying to say. It made a lot of sense to me, of course.

“But whatever you do, never say ‘I understand’,” Eleanor warned him, “Because frankly, you cannot!” Adrian agreed with her. I was surprised at this insight. It was so accurate! We all say that when we can never start to feel what an aggrieved person is going through. Eleanor asked him to make her feel that he was with her. “It’s in times like these that you have to make her feel that you are there in her grief as in her happiness,” Eleanor told him, “Tell her ‘I want you to be happy’.” Adrian got over his sullen mood after being equipped with something to do, when he was totally lost about things. Eleanor is uber cool!

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Weighty Issues!

Some questions are awkward and even the most tactful person gets stumped. And when it happens to be someone like Rick, who cannot be accused of being remotely tactful, it can get volatile! Trouble began the day Kaitlin felt that her dress was not fitting her as smugly as it used to. Kaitlin knew that asking Rick wouldn’t get her an honest answer. So Kaitlin met Irina and Megan without disclosing the real purpose of their meeting. After they went back home, Kaitlin asked them casually if they thought she had put on weight. Both apparently told her that they didn’t think so.

But you know how it can be sometimes. Kaitlin wanted a word of approval from Rick before dumping this idea. Kaitlin asked Rick what he thought about her weight. I don’t know exactly what he replied but Megan told me that Kaitlin was now living with her best friend! It’s obvious that Rick said something that blew her off the hook. Rick was heard to be visiting Kaitlin every day with a rose and a boxful of apologies. Touchy as women can be on the issue of their weight, it will really need a special effort from Rick to get Kaitlin back into their love nest. Keep an eye on this story next week!

Tips From A Veteran

When you are past the major part of your life, seen and heard enough, you develop this special ability to simplify things. You can bring things down to the bare minimum. You have the maturity to understand that matters are not always complicated. It’s us who weave this mesh that we get tangled in. Fred was talking about these things the day we met up. It was after a long time that I could visit him. I was apologetic about being away for so long. But Fred was rather happy that important, positive things kept me occupied. Fred told me, “You got work to do and that’s what you were doing! Nothing to feel sorry about!”

Fred went on to share his thoughts on how to tide over the times we are in. His message was simple: do your work. Fred firmly believes that if we keep working and focus on our jobs, we will keep ourselves distracted from the negative forces around. Fred had a special word for staying healthy. “You may be depressed or down and out,” he said, “but make sure you are eating well and doing your exercise. That’s most important!” I know it’s easier said than done, but Fred is someone who has led a whole life on these beliefs. We can surely make an honest try!

Here’s a Margaret Thatcher quote on International Women’s Day to sign off this edition: “If you want something said, ask a man; if you want something done, ask a woman.”

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Love to all,

Editor, 123Greetings

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0 thoughts on “Women’s Day, Weighty Issues, Veteran’s Tips

  1. B. In regards to Rachael on putting a premium on her work, she sounds driven, more than ‘fear of failure.” Even though she may jeopardize her friendships and skip meals, perhaps this is the only way she can get things done. I believe in our modern times, especially in America, we have these notions that we must keep up appearances with friends and family,eat 3 squares a day,to take things easy when there are times a person can not. There are periods in a person’s life when they are focused on a project or event and can not tend to their daily chores. My goodness, while I am on an elaborate project, the dishes pile up in the sink, the house becomes an enormous dust bunny, clothes are mountain high in the hamper, the lawn grows grass so tall, I have to get a machetee to chop it down. Have you ever been asked to smile and because of some thing heavy on your mind you can not. I am with Rachael.

  2. B. Hope you had a fun St. Patty’s Day with Sarah. Can’t wait to read of the details in your next newsletter. My students and I once again visited our friends at the subsidized housing apartment complex here in town. These kind people are disabled and do look forward to us coming by to teach them painting, drawing and crafts. For their St. Patrick’s Day party in the community room, they created a whole bunch of drawings, paintings and decorations. So lots of green and white paint flowed. Shamrocks, rainbows and pots of gold were either drawn, painted or created out of colorful crepe paper, colored pencils,magic markers, construction paper and gold foil. They really went all out. Even made green and white Irish carnations out of tissue paper for the blossom and pipe cleaners for the stems. Though many of the residents are not Irish, they still wanted to give these paper flowers to their sweethearts at the party. Of course they had many a story to tell of Irish friends and family members and how they had celebrated St. Pat’s Day over the years. One resident even visited Ireland during St. Patrick’s Day and had said it was a national holiday there and that the Irish celebrate it with all heart and soul. Sounded great. And don’t you feel that it is important to really celebrate the holidays you like and respect? I mean, what’s a holiday without festival?
    love to you, friend, L.

  3. B. (had written this to you no too long ago but didn’t copy)Hope you had a fun St. Patty’s Day with Sarah. Can’t wait to read of the details in your next newsletter. My students and I once again volunteered and visited our friends at the subsidized housing apartment complex here in town. These kind people are disabled and do look forward to us coming by to teach them painting, drawing, and crafts. For their St. Patrick’s Day party held in the community room, they created a whole bunch of drawings, painitings and decorations. So lots of green and white paint flowed. Shamrocks, rainbows, and pots of gold were either drawn, painted or created out of colorful crepe paper, colored pencils, magic markers, construction paper and gold foil. They really went all out. Even made green and white Irish carnations our of tissue paper for the blossoms and pipe clenaters for the stems.Though many of the residents are not Irish, they still wanted to give these paper flowers to their sweethearts at the party. Of course, they had many a story to tell of Irish friends and family members and how they had celebrated St. Pat’s Day over the years. One resident even visited Ireland during St. Patrick’s Day and had said it was a national holiday there where they party for a solid week. They let out all the stops. You know, I think that any holiday that you like should be celebrated with all heart and soul. cheers! L.

  4. It is not necessary to interfere in the world of another’s love! Nobody can present , Than such intrusion can end. If the loving cannot live the friend without the friend, If they can not to breathe each Without other, a clever step is – Not to stir to they. They will solve independently, As to live and as to work.

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