Genuine Ones!

I always wonder if the platitude given by a friend or well wisher is genuine or for namesake. I never can tell if someone is being sarcastic or being truthful. As with news that are pouring in about two-faced wild animals that live among us, guys who go to church and be part of the community, but imprison women for a decade in their basement.

They do not come with any tell tale symptoms nor do they carry any placards advertising their true self. It is tough to believe anyone anymore.

Are there any genuine ones that I can absolutely trust including family?

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I can think of only two.

First, a little child; they advertize even their folly and that is what is endearing. There are no skeletons in their cupboard, it is bare.

What you see is what you get.

We call them immature and uneducated and wait for them to age. But to what end?

Education corrupts sometimes, society poisons sometimes and mind tricks at times. Results aren’t always great.

I wish to be a child again where I can be without prejudices and can just be myself and not hurt anyone or would I see anyone hurt anyone amongst my peers.

It would be a beautiful life if I have one.

Next, I would trust our domestic pets.

They do everything for a reason and there is no trickery involved. They don’t cheat. They are loyal to a fault and you can count on them whatever your financial wealth or physical health.

They will stand by you and be at your feet until you move on.

The tragedy is I can think of only two.

Can you help me with more?

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