World This Week!

Egypt court orders Mubarak to be released from prison while in United States of America, Bradley Manning the soldier who passed on data to WikiLeaks has been sentenced to 35 years in prison albeit he can be out on parole in one-fifth of the said time.

Irony, wouldn’t you call it?

Mubarak was the one who was against democracy and he is freed and Manning stated his intention of upholding democratic constitution and he is convicted. The world is getting weirder and weirder!

Talking about weird, three US teens shot to dead an Australian student for “fun.” And they took the time to post about their exploits on a social networking site.

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If this is not painfully and maddeningly weird then what is?!

This raises the question as to what their parents and/or guardians were doing the whole time. This deviation from normalcy couldn’t have been a one off. These kids should have exhibited symptoms that should have rung alarm bells at school, home or on the street.

Somebody should have noticed. Society has to get its act together. A student on a morning jog who happens to be an athlete too is dead for no reason. Imagine the plight of the student’s family! That is what hurts the most. And the lack of understanding of snuffing of a life by those three kids makes this incident even more painful.

Life has become too mechanical that like a video game everyone who is growing up believes there are at least three lives before you strike out.

Marissa Mayer, the woman at the top in Yahoo shot for magazine cover like a supermodel and that is fantastically weird. Who said geeks are all work and no play?

Weird is the keyword for the week and I am sure it will stay that way if we care to look closer. Reality is a blur.

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