Celebrate Labor’s Day With Smiles!

The very end of this month and the very beginning of the next marks another Labor Day, a break from the daily grind, a time to honor our achievements, and gather ourselves to begin again.

This is a three-day weekend we all look forward to. Send a note or a feel good card to someone you know has been working extra hard this year; revel in their economic triumph. Exclaim with pride, “Happy Labor Day!” to everyone who has been working towards something this year.

When I was younger, Labor Day was always my favorite weekend. My dad would grill hot dogs on the BBQ, while we played backyard games, like football to kick off the season. It was a family event, a much needed, relaxing three-day weekend full of joy, laughter and tons of smiles to go around!

Summer and sunshine already trigger a true wealth of jubilation, which is why all of August we celebrate Smile Month. A smile is the easiest way to bring happiness to any person! Send a happy card with a special caption regarding the sheer delight you wish to bring upon their day. A smile can deliver a subtle infliction of pleasure, a show of pure elation.

Refresh with the thought of fall looming, praise all those positive feelings concerning change, whether it be new styles, new friends or a new job! Help that domino effect of affirmation and acceptance tumble with glory. Happiness is contagious, spread the wealth, send a card and make someone’s week!.

Say goodbye to summer, not with sadness, but with celebrations of continuation!

Labor’s Day
September 1, 2014

Send Labor’s Day Ecard!
Send Labor’s Day Ecard!

Smile Month
Aug 1- Aug 31, 2014

Send Smile Month Ecard!
Send Smile Month Ecard!

Labor Day-Love
September 1, 2014

Send Labor Day-Love Ecard!
Send Labor Day-Love Ecard!
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One thought on “Celebrate Labor’s Day With Smiles!

  1. B. Happy Labor Day my friend. Sending the scent of our backyard Hickory smoked BBQ your way. So much to celebrate this holiday weekend. Was a wonderful Summer and it appears to be a productive and fruitful Autumn ahead. So a toast to you B., and to all your friends and family! cheers, L.

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