Celebrating The Magical Feeling On This Valentine’s Day

Valentine’s Day is here and our hearts are brimming with love and romance! Proposals, roses, chocolates, virtual dates, candlelight dinner – all being symbolic of love and celebrating its essence for years. Both Aaliyah and I are showering each other with mushy surprises this entire week. We too have some great plans for this special day.

Yesterday evening when I was reading a book, I got a call from Emily. “Hey, Emily! What now? Valentine’s Day?” I asked.

She laughed! “You know me so well, Uncle Bob! I wanted to know more about love. You and Aaliyah make such an amazing couple! How did you know that it was true love?” She asked.

“Love is a beautiful feeling, Emily. You know it when cupid strikes you! I started realizing when I had these pangs of concern for her. Slowly, I started missing her and wanted to see her more often. Calls and texts weren’t enough! I started altering my schedules just for that one hour of quality time. Sounds too mushy right?” I asked and laughed.

“You both are such romantics, Uncle Bob! But, when did you know she was the one for you?” She asked.

“It happened over time! When you are with the right one you are not afraid to be yourself as there is no fear of judgment. We embrace the qualities and flaws, both! She loved me the way I am. I was genuinely happy. That’s when I knew she was the one!” I expressed.

“And, do you both ever have bad days? Like fights or misunderstandings?” She asked.

“Of course we do! It’s quite natural. We solve it by always putting the other person above those petty issues. We try to be in each other’s shoes and understand. We hold onto each other remembering the good days and go back to loving each other. It’s that simple! However, there are no set rules in love!” I answered.

“Before saying yes to someone on this Valentine’s Day, I wanted some clarity. Thank you so much, Uncle Bob!” She expressed.

“Love is a wonderful feeling! And, you will know it when it strikes you!” I replied and then we hung up.

Love is magical! It’s a feeling that surpasses all other emotions and situations. That one glimpse of your person still makes you skip a beat. No matter what your age is, those three words from your beloved make you feel like you are on top of the world! Am I right?

Also, let me know how you are celebrating this Valentine’s Day!

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