Fill Yourself With Self-Love On This Rose Day

The February flowers were blooming beautifully and dancing as the morning breeze swept across NYC that morning. Aaliyah and I were watering the plants. We were waiting for Donna who sounded extremely low over the call.

The doorbell rang and she stepped in. Her eyes were red. She must have cried before stepping in here. She sat on the couch.

“What happened? Why are you so upset?” I asked as Aaliyah got some water.

“I was out and while driving something caught my attention. I saw how people are looking forward to the month of love, February. Love and romance are in the air. I have no one! No one to love or greet me with a rose on this Rose Day!” She replied. Her eyes got moist.

“But you have men approaching you! Why are you not seeing them?” I asked.

“It’s because, after a failed marriage and repeated heartbreaks in relationships, I have no more strength. I’m scared! I feel somewhere I’m not ready. But, I also want a companion!” she replied.

When the wound doesn’t heal, it gets difficult for us to move on. It holds us back and takes away the strength. That’s why it’s very important to love ourselves. What Donna needs right now is self-love.

“What’s the harm in giving yourself a rose then?” I asked. She looked puzzled and asked, “What do you mean?”

“You need to love yourself first and take care before seeking comfort in someone else. You are scared because you haven’t healed yet. Pamper and love yourself! Only then will you be able to move on and embrace the new beginnings,” I suggested.

She had some water. “You are right! I haven’t ever thought of doing something to make myself happy or better. But now, I need to! I can’t be this way!” She replied.

“Start doing that by giving yourself a rose not just on Rose Day but each day! It’s on us to make and keep ourselves loved, happy, and complete!” I replied.

“I will do that, Bob. Thanks!” She replied with a smile.

Then the three of us went for a drive. In the middle of the drive, she asked me to stop and got a box of pastries. “What best way to start self-love than having my favorite pastry?” She expressed and winked. Both Aaliyah and I laughed and felt glad to see her this way.

When we are broken from the inside, we can’t make others happy. Self-love paves the way for our complete well- being. It boosts our self-esteem and feel-good factor! We understand ourselves and make better choices. We learn how to be happy in our shoes. So start loving yourself today!

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