Christmas Time!

My dear brothers, sisters and friends,

At last, the season is here. The countdown has counted down to its logical end. Now, everything that you will hear and everything you see will revolve around Christmas. The most awaited day of the year. It is here and the days prior to it carry equal significance. Let us take a look at them and the big one. Tag along.

A Christmas Carol Day [Dec 19]

Wondering what we at 123Greetings create for you for this beautiful event? We create cards that depict the Christmas carols, which you can send to your dear and near ones. It is an amazing gesture. Not many people expect you to send such a greeting card and when you do you not only surprise them but also carve a special place in their heart for you.

Such is the power of a Christmas Carol; it will not bless the receiver but also make you happy in return.

Christmas Tree Light Day [Dec 22]

No Christian house is complete without a Christmas tree on Christmas. It is such a delight to watch it light up in decorative glory on the eve and day of Christmas. December 22, 2012 is Christmas Tree Light Day and do celebrate it with your loved ones such a colorful day.

Do not forget to have the little ones around you when you go ahead with the decoration and lighting. They enjoy the activity more than anyone else on the planet.

May the darkness remain far away from you and may this Christmas bring you joy and infinite happiness.

Christmas [Dec 25]

Christmas is the time of the year that the world comes to a standstill. It is the day Son of God, Jesus Christ, visited us. Churches will be packed to capacity and there will be the beautiful choirs singing all night along with divinity in the air all over the world.

The candles, the cute kids in their Sunday best, the couples with prayer on their lips, parents with calmness in their eyes… It is the most beautiful day of the year.

Praise the Lord and pray for your soul. May all be well with this world.

Merry Christmas.

At Work

Yes, work this month is going to take a backseat a bit. True. It is the month of Christmas and it has to be that way. More than work this month is all about making sure everyoneat work feels being thought of.

The simple gesture of exchanging pleasantries, greetings and wishes will go a long way in cementing relationships that will remain through the year.

Here’s me taking the lead and wishing you and your family a Merry Christmas.

Take care,

Editor Bob

Christmas Tree Light Day 2015 [Dec 22]

Send Christmas Greetings!
Send Christmas Tree Light Day Greetings!

Christmas 2015 [Dec 25]

Send Christmas Greetings!
Send Christmas Greetings!

At Work

Send At Work Greetings!
Send At Work Greetings!
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One thought on “Christmas Time!

  1. B., Greetings to you and yours. Thank you for sharing your stories with all of us. Receiving your newsletters and blogs each week is a treat that make my days feel more up beat and happy. Though I don’t always comment,know that I do eagerly read each and everyone. Wishing you and yours a joyous Christmas, Hannuka and all holidays that bring happiness, joy and love to everyone. a toast to you, B., Happy 2013, L.

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