Fall In Love With Autumn!

The autumn season starts on September 23 and that means amazing changes will be taking place all around you! Have you ever wondered why the leaves change colors as the season change? We all know that plants require sunlight to live, and as the fall settles in, days become shorter and less sunlight is available. The plants stop producing the nutrients they need to stay green and began preparing for the cold to come in. Make sure to check out what plant life is changing around you.

I love squirrels. I know that sounds a little strange, but I find these creatures fascinating and the fall is when I see them in abundance. Squirrels spend all of fall, collecting nuts and storing them away for the winter. During lunch breaks at work, I sometimes sneak off to a park bench and observe the frantic squirrels meddling about.

Usually, the theory goes that people tend to fall in love in the spring after a cold winter. Though this tale could be true in some cases, I find autumn to be full of love and romanticism. There is so much fun to be had in apple picking, and pumpkin patch exploring. There is a fantastic date idea right there!

Send an e-card invite to friends and family this autumn to wish happy autumn or just send a card expressing your love for the changing season. Take part in all the fun this season has to offer!

Sep 23 – Dec 20, 2014

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Send Autumn Ecards!

Happy Autumn
Sep 23 – Dec 20, 2014

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Send Happy Autumn Ecard!

Sep 23 – Dec 20, 2014

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Send Love Ecard!
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