Give Some Love To Your Friends!

My Good Friends,

Debt default crisis, America’s credit rating and London riots – most talked about news of the week. Well, we have seen the papers, made our comments and have moved on. I have got you some interesting happenings of my life to munch on… Wanna hear? Here we go…

Send Hug Your Sweetheart Day Greetings!
Send Hug Your Sweetheart Day Greetings!
Hug Your Sweetheart Day[Aug 23]

Have you ever wondered, why there are gaps between our fingers? I believe it is designed such that we can hold our sweetheart’s fingers between them! It becomes better, when we hold their finger between ours and pull them towards us slowly for a warm hug.

Nothing beats that!

I never miss a chance to hug, Aaliyah. The first thing we do when we meet after a long day is a peck on the cheek and a tight bear hug. The best way to de-stress! You don’t need a drink to do that. And of course, this one gives you a better ‘high’ than champagne does.

So, what you waiting for? Go and give a hug to your sweetheart right now!

Friendship Week[Aug 21 – 27]

Steve, myself, Aaliyah, Megan and Ron always exchanged pleasantries and warm wishes, whenever a relevant religious event happened in the calendar year. The one event that we all celebrate mutually is the Friendship Week. Last year, we had a blast. We spent the whole week partying and getting together for impromptu camping trips. Of course, we had the longest Friendship Week greeting card exchange challenge going on. I think we would have sent at the least 10 cards a day about different flavors of friendship. It was a pleasant week and a memory to behold even today.

I am already excited about the upcoming one and I’m sure that we are going to do a repeat of last year!

Send Friendship Week Greetings!
Send Friendship Week Greetings!

Send Wedding Greetings!
Send Wedding Greetings!

Marriage is jus’ not meeting of the hearts, but two different set of egos coming together. One has to, not jus’ love the other, but should be able to tolerate the other one’s idiosyncrasies. It isn’t easy. It isn’t a cakewalk, but can be done, if there is mutual love and respect for each other. And of course, loyalty and trust should be there by default. No one should defy this.

Well, in case you were wondering, what this is all about? I wrote a letter, to Jessie, who walked the aisle last Sunday. She looked like an angel in that wedding gown of hers! She is a wonderful girl and I’m sure she will find bliss in her marital life.


Here’s the Moment of Zen for the week jus’ for you: “From the withered tree, a flower blooms.”
Inspirational, isn’t it?
Never give up. Live life to the fullest. Always sport a smile. You never know, whose day you will brighten with that.
Seek knowledge.
Give wealth.
Read books.
Live happily.
On the way out, I would like to remind you to get in touch with me here:
Editor Bob’s Blog (Mondays and Thursdays).

Send Inspirational Greetings!
Send Inspirational Greetings!

Take care.

Editor, 123Greetings

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0 thoughts on “Give Some Love To Your Friends!

  1. B. Through all your stories and commentaries, you have brought me more inspiration and hope than you can imagine. I could never, ever forget you and do think of you often. You are very dear to me and I hope in some way I am able to give back to you as much as you have given to me. In this newsletter, I just love how you and your friends expressed with flowers,your appreciation to the Vets. Flowers are the colors and fragrance of love. sending many hugs and kisses your way, L.

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