Go Nuts With Love!

If you’re crazy in love with life, then show your love the crazy way!

Take advantage of Temporary Insanity Day this Wednesday, on February 19, and go nuts spreading love and cheer.

You can express how insanely in love you are with someone, make someone smile with a fun message, bug someone with a whacky card, or make someone laugh with a video ecard of funny animals.

There’s just so many ways to go insane with love and cheer, so check out all the wild and whacky Temporary Insanity Day ecards!

What could be better than making your loved ones feel even more special by professing your promise of love, sending loving kisses, and showing you care with a big warm hug?

But the fun doesn’t stop there.

It’s also International Friendship Month, with International Friendship Week happening from 16th to 22nd February. So you can also go nuts sending friendship cards to all your friends around the world, just to let them know that friendship and love crosses all borders.

Last but not least, with the Spring Festival New Year in bloom, you can go nuts with showing your love to the special people in your life with roses and February flowers

Temporary Insanity Day
February 19, 2014

Temporary Insanity Day !
Temporary Insanity Day !

International Friendship Week
Feb 16 – Feb 22,2014

Send International Friendship Week Ecard!
Send International Friendship Week Ecard!

February Flowers
February, 2014

Send February Flowers Ecard!
Send February Flowers Ecard!
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