Happy Hanukkah from Editor Bob


Have you ever seen ‘Miracle on 34th Street’? It’s one of my favorite holiday movies. Not just because it’s quaint and has a nice Santa Claus story but things worked out in the end, that’s what I loved about it. Remember I told you that I’m worried about my friendship with Berka? Well, I had a little miracle of my own…

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  Christmas [Dec 25]

What else can I call it? I was reading the comments that you guys posted on my blog. I was very engrossed in reading the stuff you guys wrote and suddenly a sharp ring tore through my thoughts. It was my phone. I picked it up with my eyes riveted to the computer screen. The voice that said “Hello Bob” got me out of my stupor. It was Berka.

Many stray thoughts ran through my head simultaneously. I had not called her up since the day I got a little tipsy and asked her out for a date. I didn’t want to feel awkward talking to a friend who made me feel so comfortable since that day we met. Now that she had made the call herself, I felt relieved. She was her usual chirpy self. She asked me how I was doing lately. She remembered that I had told her how my desk was piled up with unfinished stuff. I was getting back to my comfort zone, yard by yard.

She told me, “Bob, I must tell you I had a fantastic time at the Thanksgiving dinner.” I held my breath, scared that she might be ending our friendship. She went on to say, “Why don’t we plan something similar for Christmas?” I was numb for a few seconds, then slowly slipped to jubilation. She wanted to be with us for Christmas? This means she didn’t take offense to my rather silly behavior at our last dinner. She was willing to let it pass. That is a wonderful gesture on her part and will definitely help us jump start our friendship again. I agreed promptly that we must plan something for Christmas. It’s going to be the first time that I’m meeting Berka after my big confession to her so I wonder how she’s going to be acting. I’m just glad she called me and that things are somewhat cool between us now. But you never know when things flip. Stay with me. But should I organize another party? What do you think?

Hanukkah [Dec 21 – 29]

It turned out that Seth actually enjoyed being Megan’s sous chef, for Thanksgiving. So he’s organizing a little Hanukkah get together for us all, and especially for Berka since she’s not familiar with the Jewish culture and food. Megan and Seth are cooking a feast for us. Even Kong is invited! The get together will be on the last day of the eight-day Hanukkah festival. There are some quiet inside scoops coming in from Megan. I have been nagging her about the food that Seth is planning to serve us. I wanted to know the menu because in matters of food, I cannot take the suspense for long. So I kept calling Megan until she was so irritated that she decided to part with the secret.

Here’s the scoop for you: Seth is making potato ‘latkes’, a type of Jewish pancake that is traditionally associated with the festival of Hanukkah. In addition to that, he’s making ‘sufganiyot’, another Jewish delicacy. For desserts, he’s making marshmallow dreidels. Megan told me that there is a special dish that Seth is making as a surprise for us, and that includes Megan. So she doesn’t have an update on that. Anyway, going by the details I got so far, it definitely promises to be a great culinary experience for us and I’m really looking forward to it, of course, so is my stomach. It’s just great that we can celebrate something right after Christmas before the New Year. The very thought makes me go delirious with joy!

Talk about Hanukkah, have you seen my favorite ecards for Hanukkah? Check them out here and here.

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A family that converses together, stays together. Yes, I tweaked the actual saying a little, but it is only to make my point. I have some news on Kate, who’s in Iowa now (Did you miss that update? Read it here.) Megan called up Kate after a few days of her leaving New York. Kate has settled down with her parents, but on the emotional level, she’s still in New York, with us. She’s missing us and the busy life of this city. Her family is right behind her, supporting and encouraging her in every possible way. They are having long conversations about what her next step could possibly be.

Her parents told her that they are willing to back any decision that she wanted to take for the future. This unflinching support of her family has made Kate realize that she should get out of her self-imposed isolation and get involved in activity. She is thinking of taking up a course on something, may be even an odd job. I’m sure she’ll pull up her socks and will be back to being the vivacious girl we know her to be. I also feel thankful to her family for having injected a new enthusiasm in our dear friend.


There’s a news, but I’m not sure if I can call it tragic! The reason is that the instance is not something that has no precedence. Remember the famous Rick-Kaitlin fights we had to witness even very recently? But they passed into a state of coma in the last couple of months because of Rick’s resolve to quit smoking. Kaitlin compromised on some of Rick’s rather preposterous habit because he was fighting the demons inside him, while Rick put up with Kaitlin’s unreasonable demands because she was supporting her in a way that he couldn’t have imagined. However, all this bonhomie went for a toss two days back.

Rick was learning to waltz through Jeffrey’s help. But after Kate split up with him, Rick was not comfortable taking lessons from him anymore. But being the determined person that he is, he decided to go ahead and complete his lessons in waltz. So he got enrolled in a dance class. There he was paired with Alicia, a “nice” girl, and I’m quoting Rick here. He got pally with her and wanted Alicia to be introduced to Kaitlin. He called Kaitlin to the dance class. Kaitlin didn’t like the equation Rick shared with Alicia and flared up! She left the place in a huff, leaving a red-faced Rick, seething in anger and embarrassment.

Rick told me that he’s had enough. Last heard, Kaitlin said the same words to Megan! They are not on talking terms now, but I don’t think that will be for too long. If I dig up their history of love, I can come up with worse fights. But each time, their love got them back together. I’m very sure it will be the same story this time around. I just hope these warring camps don’t spoil the Christmas party I’m planning at my place. Here’s hoping for the best!

Family reunions being the flavor of the season, I have chosen this wonderful family quote for you all, especially for those who are staying away from their families this festive season. This one is by Desmond Tutu: “You don’t choose your family. They are God’s gift to you, as you are to them.”

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Have fun!

Editor, 123Greetings

P.S. If you are on Friendster, give me company! If you are already there with me, hang out with me at the 123Greetings Fan Club!

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2 thoughts on “Happy Hanukkah from Editor Bob

  1. B.
    Good to know things appear to be working for you and Berka. You are two people who are kind to all. I call mixers. Folks who have the knack to get people together to socialize with all and enjoy each others’ company. You should always be friends. And in regards to any suggestions for your holiday fest check out your “Meaning of Christmas” blog as I have commented. Do at cook-in or a bake-in with friends. So fun!
    in appreciation for all your kind newsletters and thoughtful stories, Happy Christmas and a jolly New Year 2009, xoxoxoxo, L.

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