Hug Is A Miracle Drug!


“Shut up and hug me!” demanded Aaliyah when I was trying to lecture her about healthy foods she needed to consume. She has been low on energy lately.

I enveloped her entire frame in my big arms, the hearts touching and as always the rapture and bliss enveloping both of us.

She felt relieved. She said, “We both have been away lately, even when we are together we’ve been busy on our phones. Do you realize why I am so low?” I chuckled at her cuteness and gave her another bear hug.

Hug is a miracle drug. The nurturing touch builds trust and security in a relationship. It supports open conversation and friendliness.

Hugs boost the feel good hormone oxytocin which helps in reducing anxiety and stress. If you hold on for a longer time it releases serotonin elevating mood and creating joy.

Research says hugs help in building immune system. It also helps in boosting self-esteem and self-love. As children we used to be cuddled by our parents and siblings and that has been embedded in our cellular memory and the moment we are hugged by our loved ones it triggers the familiar feeling of well-being.

Hugging not only relaxes the muscles and relieves the pain. It soothes the aches by increasing the circulation. I often visit the senior citizen care homes. I love to meet them with a warm hug and they welcome me with a beautiful smile.

It also releases nervous tensions in pets. My dog friend Kong loves the cuddles and wags his tail the moment we hold him.

Hugs are like meditation, it brings you to the now. You don’t need a special reason to get one, just because you want to be happy in the moment reach out to the one you love to hug.

Be an angel and embrace the ones in need. Hug your Sweetheart or kiss to make up with her after a fight. Do not hesitate. Know that it is the miracle drug for goodness.

The best thing about giving a hug is you receive one in return.

See you in the comments.

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