Is It Simply Luck?

Last evening I was watching my favorite web series when the doorbell rang. It was Alan! “Hey, Alan! Were you not supposed to go for the long drive with your friends? I wasn’t expecting you! Come in!” I said and gave him some chocolates as Chocolate Day is round the corner.

“Well, my best friend Oliver is one lucky guy who has cracked an interview recently. So, he had to rush for some paperwork. So, we have postponed it,” He replied.

“Oh, great! Let me make you some frappe and pasta!” I replied. “I will help you!” He said and then we started cooking together.

“Bob, tell me one thing! Do you feel some people are too lucky? At times I feel, that some people are born with that luck where they can achieve things easily, whereas others have to hustle!” He said.

“Well, I don’t assume such a thing. I believe one can get away with luck in the first step but to sustain for the long term one has to keep up with the performance!” I replied.

“I have always seen that this friend Oliver is aligned with everything that he has ever wished for! Even now, cracking the interview with his dream company at one go! I wish I could do that too!” He said.

“Alan a lot of times we don’t get to see how much effort has been put in! It looks perfect and easy from the surface. This comparison or judgment might not be right. Moreover, we can create our own luck with hard work and consistency!” I replied.

“So, if I too do that, I stand a fair chance to align things for myself like him?” He asked.

“Well yes and can do even better! Real efforts always reflect and no one can snatch the end result away from you! Remember that!” I said.

“I believe you are right, Bob! I should focus on things that are in my hand. Now it’s time to stop comparing! It’s time to create my own luck!” He said.

“That’s the spirit! Do that and see, you won’t be disappointed!” I replied.

By then the food and frappe were ready! We served it on the table and enjoyed the rest of the evening watching an old film.

No one is simply lucky, some people know how to achieve things with the right approach! Luck is not in our hands so there is no point pondering on it. The best we can do is work hard and not give up till our goal is achieved. Also, judging someone’s success from outside without knowing the actual story is not right! The focus should be on bettering ourselves and progressing each day.

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