It’s All About Love!

My Good Friends,

You know the best part about interaction? Life teaches us infinite lessons to each and every one of us. Interaction lets us learn what we haven’t yet, both good and the bad. I have learnt things the hard way… And I would like to share… Wanna hear? Here we go…

Send  Romance Day Greetings!
Send Romance Day Greetings!
Romance Day[Aug 11]

I and Aaliyah have one thing in common. We don’t have any secrets. Or so, I thought! When I walked by with a Big Mac burger and a Diet Coke to their table, they were gossiping in hushed tones. Curiosity took over and I raised my eyebrows, “Anything the matter?”

Both nodded their heads in negative.

“Come on girls, tell me what’s cookin’?”

Aaliyah, “Nah! Nothing Bob, chill.”

We left it at that and when we were alone, I prodded Aaliyah about the conversation. To my surprise, she said, “That’s between girls, Bob… Nothin’ important, leave it pls.”

I felt bad. In fact, hurt. My girlfriend and best friend are not making me privy to their conversation. I let it be. I showed faces for a while and expected to see something odd about their behavior towards, but they didn’t show any signs of that. Everything was normal. Nothing untoward. I mean, nothing changed at all.

I thought about it… Maybe it’s just the way it is supposed to be. I can’t know everything. I shouldn’t know everything. There is always something that she would keep private. There is a space for us together. And there needs to be a space for each other individually too.

Romance is not all about greeting cards and red roses, but understanding your partner. One more lesson learnt.

Tell a Joke Day[Aug 16]

I got a question for you…

When someone tells you a joke… Do you laugh at the joke or the person?

I mean, is it the quality of the joke or the way the person presents it?

However good the joke is, I believe, it is about the person, who conveys it with proper diction, facial expression and infectious excitement that makes one laugh. I pride myself of that. In fact, I can make a stone laugh. Steve does that too.

Well, he does that without telling a joke. All he has to do is sing. He is a sport though and such a sweetheart. He would start singing the moment one of us has a long face. And there will be instant smiles all over. You don’t need to make people laugh; all you need to have is intent. Learnt that from Steve.

Send Tell a Joke Day Greetings!
Send Tell a Joke Day Greetings!

Send At Work Greetings!
Send At Work Greetings!
At Work

The calendar has days and not dates in our office. I mean, they are there, but all we look at are the days. Actually, every one focuses on one day to be precise – Friday! And of course, we love the look of the calendar post Thanksgiving till New Year. It’s not like, we hate what we do there in the office, but it is jus’ that a break from work is well received and anticipated. Work happens at a neat pace on Friday contrary to popular opinion. There is Saturday jus’ in the corner to remind you that there is time for fun, so get to work.

Good Day

Moment of Zen for you: ‘If you light a lamp for somebody, it will also brighten your own path.’

Quite true, isn’t it?

Light a lamp today and have a very good day.

On the way out, I would like to remind you to get in touch with me here:
Editor Bob’s Blog (every Monday and Thursday).

Send Everyday Cards!
Send Everyday Cards!

Take care.

Editor, 123Greetings

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0 thoughts on “It’s All About Love!

  1. Hi Bob, I really liked the newsletter this week. Take care and have a great Fall Season. Very colorful and lots of courage, health, and strenght.

  2. B., Been trying to send you a caring comment in this comment box for several weeks- but hasn’t gone through. None the less, really enjoyed reading how you gave Aaliyah a pocket rose. What a kind gesture of apology. You both were meant for each other. hugs and kisses, L.

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