Love Gives, Takes and Conquers All!

My Dear Brothers, sisters and friends,

Here I am with a cute set of stories and good banter for you hard working people. If I bring a smile with a mail full of words for you, would you make me smile with a line or two as your feedback?

Do that.

And for now, let’s take a stroll… Tag along.

Love Conquers All Day [Jun 3]

Oh! It does! Love definitely conquers all and some more. I remember thinking when I fell in love with Aaliyah… We were from two different cultures, countries and even religions. Personality-wise, we were the proverbial chalk and cheese. I am completely positive about everything and she takes her own time to reach positivity. She is patience personified while I am ruled by the impulse. She is honest to the core and I am a certified hypocrite. She can never look anything but well groomed and I can never bring myself to look like a professional or for that matter a decent dressed youngster.

I am a hopeless romantic and she is practical and from-the-heart lover. Her friends are polite and a bit uptight I would say while mine are plain crazy. Never knew how I was liked by her, her family and her friends. She is literally worshipped in my circles.

Somewhere something was amiss in both of us. And we found each other and filled that void.

Love does conquer all adversities and that is exactly why Aaliyah is my soulmate.

Hug Your Cat Day [Jun 4]

A boring and weary long day at work can give way to an amazing fun filled evening if you would jus’ stop by Barney. Barney, who? Well, it’s my new little friend – the cat who walks backwards. Yes, he can do the moon walk!

Barney is everywhere and even Kong is loving the new entrant. They chase each other all over the house and in the garden. He finds my place in the couch to be exactly to his liking and would never budge until I physically throw him out of there. Even then, he will find a place in my lap ignoring my protests.

After chocolates, Barney is the next best thing for Megan. She makes it a point to visit me jus’ so that she can play with the cat.

This one’s made everyone smile in my vicinity and Hug Your Cat Day is the perfect day to give him an extra ounce of milk and a tight hug.


They come in various colors and the best of them all is red. At least to me. I am talking about the flowers. And when I said red, I meant the red rose. Something about it, isn’t it?

It denotes love and is an identity of romance. It defines romance to me.

Jus’ like in love there is that feathery feeling when you touch the petals… It’s unlike anything you would find and then there is the thorn to stop us from take it too far… Jus’ like in love.

There is this understanding that as with flower, love too, needs a gentle touch and if handled rough the whole being will be crushed.

Beyond repair!


Wedding anniversaries are a fun occasion to attend. I usually go there looking for two things:

Firstly, how different are they from their wedding day… The physical appearance I mean… Whether they have put on weight or are in shape, etc.

Secondly, if their eyes talk.

If they are unfit physically and are showing some waistline, I am happy for them. When you find someone you love, you usually tend to let it loose… You have got what you wanted and your partner is not judging you… So, you be yourself! I don’t recommend doing that though, but that’s a definite sign of love in the marriage is all what I am saying.

And if their eyes talk, that’s enough.

Happy married life, I say!

Good one that, huh?

Go search for such a partner.

With love,

Editor Bob

Hug Your Cat Day 2016 [Jun 4]

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