Memorial Day – Remember The Real Hero.

My Dear friends, brothers and sisters,

There is no place like the comfort of a home. There is no place like being in a secured place where you know you are well protected. Well, the people who can’t afford the comforts of a home, but make sure you are comfortable at your abode are soldiers. This week will see a day being celebrated in their memory. We will talk a bit about that and more… Wonder who? Walk along with me and I will tell you…

World Turtle Day [May 23]

There are a good species of them who are endangered. These turtles are an example in patience and are elders to us in age. They live hundreds of years patiently. They have a shell that they defend themselves with and are no threat to anyone. They are the wise old age folks we still have alive to learn from.

We love nature. I mean, we love to travel places in the geography to look at those exotic beaches and fledgling wild life. But have we thought twice before raising our voice towards turtles being slaughtered or turtles that don’t reach the shore in the heat but die half way through?

It’s mere news for us and that’s the tragedy. Sympathy doesn’t matter, but a little bit of helpful attitude works.

Let’s rejoice and celebrate the day of the turtles and of course, let’s spend a moment thinking about their welfare and what we can do about it.

Memorial Day [May 28]

As you all know by now, our gang of Megan, Aaliyah, Steve, Karen and Kong make it a point to visit the Veterans Hospital whenever we find time.

Memorial Day is one such day when the whole gang descended with flowers and sweets. Well, the Veterans out there don’t care much about us really, but they look forward to meeting one member of our gang – Mr. Kong!

He has become quite chummy with them and for some reason, gets along quite well with the disabled veterans by helping them move around.

At this moment, I would like to mention something, there are compatriots of Kong, the other sniffer dogs that are at the front fight along with the soldiers. They are sent into the scene of action first when a bomb is to be sniffed out. These brave four legged heroes never get their due.

This day is to respect those heroes too along with the humans who defend us.


Talking about defense… Soldiers save us when the threat is from outside and sisters save us when the threat is from inside.

My sister does that a lot to me. When my folks are enraged by my silly actions and are giving me an earful, my sis is the one who saves the day for me intentionally or unintentionally.

She would either stand up for me or get their voice decibel low or she would do something even sillier than I have done and get their attention on her.

I will tell you what, friends are in their place, colleagues have their turn, but nothing trumps family.

Everyday Thoughts

Wake up with a smile. That’s the moment of Zen for you.

Whatever challenges that lay ahead, a smile doesn’t hurt. A grumpy face sets the tone for the day ahead. It spoils the zest and puts you in a sulky state of mind.

Don’t get the problems you face dictate your actions. Your actions and attitude should dictate the way challenges should mould.

You write your destiny and for that… Wake up with a smile!

Have a great day.

Take care,

Editor Bob.

Memorial Day 2016 [May 30]

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World Turtle Day 2016 [May 23]

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