Month Of Love Is Here Already?

Roses, chocolates, teddies and gifts! ‘Month of Love’ is here! Time to enact that iconic romantic scene from your favorite movie at the Empire State Building. The best time to plan surprises and let your partner know what he or she means to you.

It was Thursday evening. I came back home with a bouquet of flowers for my love, Aaliyah. When she opened the door I was amazed. She had beautifully decorated the hall for a special cozy dinner, just for the two of us.

“I love these flowers. You always pamper me with my favorite things,” she expressed. “Don’t blame me for that. I fall in love with you every day!” I replied. “Oh, Bob! Now stop being so mushy. Help me sauté this pasta. I’ll quickly go and freshen up,” she replied.

Taking a sip of Sangria, I took care of the last bit of cooking. A thought struck me then! How did Aaliyah and I fit into each other’s life so well? Did we ever think of being this spontaneous or comforting when we had started dating? My friends wonder if we ever fight! What is the secret? Was it always like this? How is it still like this even after so many years? Tell us! They all want to know!

Resting on the couch, I reflect. Is there at all any rule that we both follow? How do things fall into place? Is there any secret? Or is it a gradual process of evolving better for one another each day? They say ‘love is a verb’. Well, true!

It is always putting your partner’s desire above yours just to see that smile on their face. It is disarming yourself during fights and remembering that relationship isn’t a battleground. It is that unconditional interest to listen to the beloved’s problems and coming to a mutual solution. It is filling the communication gap with real valuable words and gestures that keeps the two going strong. It is on us to keep that essence and never let it fade away. That’s being in love!

My thoughts were interrupted by a beautiful mild fragrance. I turned and saw that the lights were off. The table was arranged. Aaliyah had lit up scented candles. So candlelight dinner it was! A great start to another year of love and romance!

Let me know how it feels to be in love! Above all, what are your romantic plans?

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