Pack In More Memories Than Gifts This Christmas!

Life is full to the brim these days. Time is the most precious thing in our lives. Perhaps this is the reason why people cherish the Holiday Season so much. It gives some me-time besides catching up with the loved ones. I sat in my backyard and was admiring the white blooms of the winter season when Aaliyah interrupted my serenity with a to-pack and to-shop list for the Christmas.

“Isn’t it supposed to be fun and done out of love and joy and not compulsion Honey?” She was hurriedly preparing for the Christmas gifts and looking through the discount coupons and offers on her phone.

She paused for a while and then said, “Yes, but do we have time? We don’t want to disappoint our folks.” She was right. This was indeed a dilemma.

I reflected upon the need to fill in the homes with baubles more than memories these days. I want to do something different. I want to create interesting Christmas stories of togetherness and I want to wrap my people with the warmth of my love and affection. I want to express to them how much they mean to me and raise my younger ones on love.

I asked her, “What is most special memory you have of Christmastime?” Her face softened and eyes lit up like many Christmas lights strung together glittering in the dark. A soft smile brightened her face further. The redolent memories of childhood flooded in her mind.

She said, “Bob, the joyful family dinner, the candies, little surprises and confetti in the stockings, the greetings, the lighting of candles at the church, decorating the Christmas tree, the togetherness in doing things is what I recall more than things.”

“Exactly my point Aaliyah!” I feel we can create more experiences than hurriedly putting together gifts which would end up cluttering up space and mind.”

We both smiled and she turned to a new fresh page in her notebook and wrote, “Christmas Memories 2018.”

We made a list of stuffs we will do with our friends this Christmas, how we can recycle things at home and use it for decorating the Christmas tree, the warm online greetings we will send to the family members and friends living faraway. The sumptuous home cooked Christmas meal and simple but meaningful gifts to give as a token of love to few friends.

We decided to give the most prized possessions to our people this Christmas and that is our time and attention. What are you planning for yours? Do share in the comments.

Merry Christmas!


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