Pat The Back, Serve Some Chocolate Cake!

My dear brothers, sisters and friends,

Walking along the street, if you happen to meet a long lost friend, you break into a smile and talk like there is no tomorrow. Nothing in this world is more important to spend our time on more than talking to that friend at that moment. Such is the time now for me. My friends, here I am, to converse with you about the week’s events and emotions. Come along and take a stroll with me.

Send Compliment Day [Jan 24]

There is no better feeling in the world than to understand that you are appreciated. There is no need for an achievement by someone for you to compliment that person. You can compliment them for being just the way they are, their simple self, their loving self, their humorous self and their friendly self. To perform such a gesture here is a beautiful excuse for you – Compliment Day is here. Do it.

Certain things in life are priceless. Compliment is one such thing.

Chocolate Cake Day [Jan 27]

I salute the person along with a few million people in this world the person who invented such a day for Chocolate Cake. Love the sweet, love the cake, love the chocolate and love the after taste on the tongue. Love it all. What’s there not to like?

Enjoy the day. Diet is for dieticians. Chocolates are for those who live life to their fullest.

Happy Chocolate Cake Day guys.


They are those cute little things that stand on a stalk too light to hold but stay there, look at us and smile. They make our outlook positive and we look forward to the day that is to unfold. That is the reason why flowers adorn the desks and tables in the house and workplace. Flowers remind us of good things. No malice is invoked by those petals; they bring forth the goodness in us. There is no denying that most flowers remind us of our loved ones.


There are kids in the house who are cute, beautiful and our blood. They grow up in front of our eyes and own a part of our heart. We give them all and then one fine day, they move on. Not their fault, but such is life. And then there are pets. A dog which does your bidding and then stays there with you when the kids leave you. They stay put and look after you when you are not able to look after them. They are the faithful ones. They are family. Give them love as they do.

Take care,

Editor Bob


Chocolate Cake Day 2016 [Jan 27]

Send Chocolate Cake Day Greetings!
Send Chocolate Cake Day Greetings!


Send Flowers Greetings!
Send Flowers Greetings!


Send Pets Greetings!
Send Pets Greetings!
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One thought on “Pat The Back, Serve Some Chocolate Cake!

  1. Hello Editor Bob,

    Your suggestions for communicating are right on target. The reminders you offer to stay in touch with people you care for but are remiss in stAYING IN TOUCH WITH ARE WELL NOTED. CERTAINLY A WAKE UP REMINDER TO STOP THE DAILY MADNESS


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