Remembering Our Veterans from Editor Bob

Hey folks,

How are you? May is turning out to be fantastic. The weather’s been great and I’m really enjoying the parks. Keep an eye on my blog too, we’re doing a major launch this weekend!

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  Memorial Day [May 26]

Remember last week I wrote about Fred meeting the veterans in the hospital? Well, it turned out to be a great experience for all parties. Kong and I were there to help the veterans talk about stuff but there were times when we couldn’t really connect because I haven’t been where they’ve gone. Fred became a conduit as well as a mentor.

As a writer I shouldn’t be saying this but there were times when words fail, and Fred just stepped right in. He seems to have the power to move folks in a positive direction. He’s really empowering that way. Fred spoke to the veterans and he listened to their concerns and worries. He told them that the worst is over for them. That they’re actually survivors. I saw the whole room light up and there was positive energy flowing when we left.

Fred said, “Remember your comrades. Remember your friends. Share what you’ve witnessed with your peers and young people so things like these don’t happen again. I know you’re just one person, one individual but all it takes is a ripple to create change in the world.” Everybody including the nurses started clapping when they heard that. So this Memorial Day, don’t forget those who have fallen and those that have come back, because they are all heroes in their own right. Honor them by remembering what they’ve done for you and me.

Toxic Romance Redux

I know some of you have commented on my blog about Rick’s car. It’s fixed now, it cost a fortune, even with the insurance Rick had. Apparently, Rick and Kaitlin had a big brawl out where we left them. That’s why they were so quiet when they got to my folks’ place. They got everything out of their systems before they arrived–I don’t know if that’s a good thing or a bad thing but hey, they behaved!

When Rick got back to town, I asked him if he was doing alright. He seemed to be talking at least. I was really curious but bit my tongue not to ask him anything. I went for another round of drinks and Rick followed me. “I know what you’re thinking, Bob,” he said, staring at Kaitlin who was sitting at our table. “What?” I asked, pretending to not know what he was referring to. “You’re wondering if we’re still together. The answer is yes, we are,” he paused to let the news sink in, “Some things are worth more than cars, Bob.” Then he walked off back to the table. He left me aghast of course. Our man Rick is finally growing up, folks!

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  Rachael’s Graduating!

Sometimes I wish I was half as inspirational as Fred–especially to my niece, Rachael. She’s really a fantastic kid and all her questions have always made me think. Well, she had her big fifth grade graduation yesterday. My sis Liz asked me if I wanted to tag along so I did. They had the graduation ceremony in the school auditorium.

And of course, we met the infamous Tommy, with whom Rachael had her first kiss. (Read it HERE if you missed it.) It was nice to meet Rachael’s teachers and classmates. They sang songs for us, Rachael played her small recorder, which is like a little flute. She’s been practicing it at home too. She won an award for perfect attendance! Isn’t that cool?

Being at the graduation made me think of Laura and her son Tim and about having kids. I know some of you are wondering what’s up with me and her, well I’ll tell you all about it next week because I have a date with her!>

What Inspires You?

Sometimes it takes a person like Martin Luther King, Jr., Gandhi, or Mandela to change the course of history but from what I learned about Fred, all it takes is one person. I feel really blessed and privileged to know this guy because he’s really inspired me over these past couple of months.

Being with Laura has opened up a whole new world to me too. She’s such a caring person. She pays attention to so many details of the people she interacts with. Everyone wants to talk to her, everyone she interacts with thinks that she’s their best friend. She never seems to be tired. In fact, I’ve never really seen her mad or upset unless she’s watching news on TV. But she’s so positive about everything. Seeing her really inspires me and no matter how bad it is in the world around us, it’s those positive people that make us want to be better people in our own lives.

A lot of people are facing difficulties these days and instead of being down and out, you need to think about what inspires you. So now I’m asking what inspires you? Who inspires you and why? I’m also going to be posting this up on my blog so come on over and send your comments in! This week’s Zen quote comes from the great mover and shaker Margaret Mead, who said, “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.”

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Editor, 123Greetings

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5 thoughts on “Remembering Our Veterans from Editor Bob

  1. Hi Bob, I live far from your world (by Fresno, Ca.) but life anywhere is definatly better when you handle situations the most positive way passible. Tish

  2. hi Bob,
    your job is very helpful. continue your valuable service till the end.with warm regards & a wish from rohini

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