Thanksgiving Is Here!

My dear brothers, sisters and friends,

An event of the year that we have been waiting for is here! Thanksgiving with all its glory is here. I welcome you all to partake in this beautiful occasion along with your family. Not many events are celebrated with such good festive spirit like the way Thanksgiving is celebrated in our United States. I have got a few snippets to share with you on this good day. I am sure you would like to tag along and so here we go…

<astyle=”text-decoration: none;” href=””>Happy Thanksgiving [Nov 22]

Life is full of surprises. Every day is different and brings with it interesting moments. A calendar year is the same year after year, but there are moments you wait for. Such a moment during the year is an event called Thanksgiving.

There is no denying the meaningful reason of such an event and there is again no denying the fact the joy, that envelops the world on such a beautiful day.

I along with my team at wish you all a very Happy Thanksgiving.

Thanksgiving Love [Nov 22]

Aaliyah loves Thanksgiving. Well, she loves it because she enjoys the time she spends with her close kith and kin. And she loves it that I partake in the festivities and we do go hopping one place to another. Thanksgiving for us is not a private event. We make it a point to round up our visits to all the important people in our life.

It gives us great joy to see the smiles on the faces of our loved ones and we wouldn’t change the routine until the day we are alive.

I wish all of you do the same. It is an event dedicated to others and we should throw out the ‘I’ and heartily welcome the ‘we’ on this day.

Turkey Fun [Nov 22]

Turkey on Thanksgiving is fun. Well, if you are not cooking it that is. You know why it is tough to be the one to cook turkey on Thanksgiving?

Imagine the scenario where you have invited all and sundry to your abode with the promise of Thanksgiving dinner and since this is the main dish and all are high on wine and hungry, you would want to serve them what they came for – delicious turkey dish.

Wouldn’t you be a nervous wreck praying to God to help turn the turkey cooked to be delicious?

That said, not only on the table, but even on the cards we produce we have fun with theturkey on Thanksgiving. Check them out.

Thanksgiving Thank You [Nov 22]

Nothing beats this two-word gesture – Thank You.

Kids and elders coming together and standing on the streets watching alike families all around with smiles… That is the moment God smiles upon us.

Celebrate with gusto but be safe while you are at it.

Think about that.

Take care,

Editor Bob

Thanksgiving 2015 [Nov 26]

Send Thanksgiving Love Greetings!
Send Thanksgiving Love Greetings!

Thanksgiving 2015 [Nov 26]

Send Turkey Fun Greetings!
Send Turkey Fun Greetings!

Thanksgiving 2015 [Nov 26]

Send Thanksgiving Thank You Greetings!
Send Thanksgiving Thank You Greetings!
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2 thoughts on “Thanksgiving Is Here!

  1. B., God does smile upon you, that’s for sure. With the sunlight he kisses your sweet head and with the grass he soothes your dear feet. God is because your are.
    Thank God…
    Have a Happy Thanksgiving,

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