That Person Is Worth Everything

I woke up early yesterday. The August flowers were blooming beautifully on the balcony! After finishing my morning workout routine, I went in and saw that Aaliyah was still asleep. She had been up all night working hard to finish her assignments. “I must make her a delicious breakfast and great coffee to start her day on a bright note or else, my lady love will be all cranky!” I thought.

Yes, that’s what happens when you have been living together and been in love for so many years. You exactly know what makes your partner happy, sad, irritated, angry or overwhelmed. That is not just from my end. She too knows what works and doesn’t work for me! Romance Awareness month it is! When I look back, I see both Aaliyah and I have come a long way.

During our initial phase of dating, I remember how she had made me feel. It might sound cliché but she was actually like a breath of fresh air. We had clicked instantly and our connection was real. Keeping aside our mushy romance, movie dates, road trips, late-night dinner dates and gazing at the stars there was something that always made me feel great when I was with her.

Over time I realized that a lot of people will be there to rejoice in your good times and applaud your strength. But, being with someone with whom you can share your vulnerabilities is a real blessing! I slowly found comfort in her. She too felt the same. What we understood was that not every day will be sunny but with each other’s love and support, we can make the next day better. And, also win over every challenge or setback.

So far it has been a great journey together and I don’t ever miss out on any chance to express my love and gratitude for having her in my life. Today and every day the person who stays in all our bad and good times is worth everything! However, in this Romance Awareness month, I will make sure to make it more special.

Let me know what you are planning to make your partner feel extra special this month!

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