They Are The Choco Chips In The Cookie

They say that friends are the family we choose after we are born. Indeed, it is true!  Aaliyah was back from her trip last week and was having jet lag. She was also under the weather. To make things worse, I had twisted my ankle and was under immense pain.

Our friends made it a point that we did not have to worry about anything.

Mrs. Bradley and Alan made sure that they cooked all the meals for us. Mrs. Bradley was extra sweet to always bake fresh cookies and muffins to cheer us up! As usual she brightened every day for us with her smile in the morning.

Steve and Adrian made sure of scheduling appointments and taking us to the doctor. Donna, Megan, and Kate took turns to stay over and give us company. They also made sure that our home remained neat and clean by taking care of the daily chores. From grocery shopping to ordering things that would bring a smile on our faces, they knew what was needed! They also took care of Kong.

“Don’t worry, we are here!” All of them would say.

Not for a single moment did Aaliyah and I have any difficulty. And, they did all of these while managing their own personal and professional lives. They did more than we could ever imagine!

Loving friends, healthy food, medicines on time and enough rest – both Aaliyah and I are completely fine now! It’s their immense love and care that helped us to heal quickly and bounce back.

“We must do something extra special and heart touching this time for all of them,” Expressed Aaliyah. “Friendship Day is here! Let us do it on that day!” I replied.

Aaliyah and I have decided to host a grand party at our place. We want to express our gratitude to each one of them and make it memorable. We have sent each of them a bouquet, box of assorted gifts and the invite. Handwritten notes, handmade gifts, special menu and cocktails – we both will ensure that the party has personal touch that sums up all our friendship.

In the cookie called life, friends are the choco chips that complete us and make the journey better! They make life colorful on gloomy days and add that extra dose of sparkle on the happy ones. They are a blessing and we must be grateful for having them around. I can’t wait to have a great time with all of them!

Let me know your Friendship Day plans! Happy Friendship Day to you all!

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