There’s More To Mother’s Day!

A mother is the personification of unconditional love. On Mother’s Day, we celebrate our moms and how remarkable and meaningful they are in our lives. Most families have their own unique tradition to celebrate this special day. Some shower mom with flowers and cards, others call and some go all out with dinner or a spa day.

No matter how you choose to honor your mom, there is more to Mother’s Day than just the well wishes, cards and family celebrations.

Mother’s Day history is rooted in war. After the Civil War, the country remained divided among state lines and allegiances between the fallen Confederacy and the prevailing Union. Mother’s Day was started as a way to find peace. The day was called “Mother’s Friendship Day” and helped foster relationships between mothers of union soldiers and mothers of confederate soldiers.

While Anna Reeves Jarvis thought up this unique day of peace, it was her daughter who pursued Mother’s Day as a national holiday. For the younger Jarvis, Mother’s Day was no longer about north and south but the day was now an opportunity to honor women for their roles and work and in a nod to modern day feminism, the younger Jarvis also wanted a holiday that didn’t give another congratulatory pat on the back to patriarchy.

As we all know, Jarvis succeeded in securing a national day of honor for moms across the country. She envisioned the day to be a day for family and church but what happened next was a bit unexpected.

Mother’s Day became a phenomenon and the emphasis of the day veered far from quiet family days, as Mother’s Day turned into a commercial blockbuster holiday.

Despite Jarvis’s attempts to remove it as a national holiday, America had fully embraced their mom’s official celebratory day and there was no going back.

Some of Jarvis’s influence remains emblazoned on our modern day Mother’s Day. Carnations are the holiday’s signature flower, because during the elder Jarvis’s early celebrations white carnations were often given to mothers. While red and pink carnations are the standard Mother’s Day flower, white carnations are symbolically given to those whose mothers have passed away.

While carnations are a Mother’s Day tradition, many mothers receive all types of floral arrangements often being presented with their own favorite flowers. Of course, the greeting card industry has happily embraced Mother’s Day and so have many fine dining establishments. Mother’s Day brunches are a popular tradition.

No matter how you celebrate your mother on Mother’s Day, make sure the day is about her. Whether she loves ice-cream or pizza, flowers or potted plants, choose a gift that speaks to her. The best gifts come from the heart and most mothers love nothing more than a homemade card or gift and a day of relaxation. Make sure you do the dishes, take care of the house and give your mom the best gift of all:  a day off!

Naomi Shaw
(Guest Blogger)

Participate In  The Mother’s Day Celebrations with

There is a lot in store for Mother’s Day at Join in the Mother’s Day celebrations with #PraisingWithWords on Editor Bob’s Instagram page.  Tell us the one word that describes your mother best! We’ve got something else that you will love too! Head over to Editor Bob’s Facebook and Twitter page where we will be celebrating Mother’s Day with #MotherhoodAtItsBest. Share what is the best part of being a mother?  Share your joys with us and we will surprise her on the day on your behalf!

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Pretty Mother’s Day Card.

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