Welcoming Happier Days This New Year!

It was last evening! Aaliyah and I were busy making arrangements for the New Year’s Eve plan. LED garlands, brass candle holder, silver confetti balloons, string lights – we have given a complete makeover to our apartment! We took a pause and were having a cup of coffee with hazelnut truffles when Aaliyah shot a question at me!

“Bob, what are you looking forward to in the coming year?” She asked.

“I can’t tell you how excited I am! There are so many things!” I replied. “Okay, then share with me the top three!” She suggested with a wink.

Aaliyah has some amazing negotiation skills, I tell you! She wouldn’t let me budge without answering her.

“Well, the year 2020 has been an eye-opener in so many ways! In the coming year, my top priority is to stay fit with a proper diet and workout regime. The second one is to spend more quality time with my loved ones. And, the third one would be to set new milestones and work harder each day. That way, I want to keep on achieving and inspiring!” I expressed.

Aaliyah gave me an impressive nod. “That’s great, Bob!” she replied. “What about you?” I asked.

She paused and thought for a while. Then looking at me she said, “To start with, I will aim at keeping a better work-life balance. I will stop fretting over the things that are not in my control and take each day at a time. Also, I am going to add value through my work and make the world a better place!” She replied.

“That’s wonderful! I’m sure we are going to have an eventful year ahead!” I expressed. “Yes! We will!” She replied and we got back with our planning.

Each year brings with it new opportunities and experiences. We learn to face our fears and overcome our vulnerabilities. New Year brings with it the essence of a brighter tomorrow that is yet to unfold. Pinning our hopes on it, we look forward to a fresh start and happier days!

Wishing you all A Very Happy New Year! Do share with me your New Year plans!

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