Wishing You Luck On Friday The 13th!

My dear brothers, sisters and friends,

I went for a drive over the weekend. It was awesome. It was a lonely drive through the woods and the fragrances of nature. Do you know how nature paints a portrait of itself every morning? It uses the earth as canvas and the sun, water and rainbow as its colors. Cold breeze, damp roads and chirping birds – it was a romantic journey, but there was only me! I drove slow and took it all in, the beauty, the calm and the thrill of being alone with nature. Try it sometime, guys.

Patriot Day 2013 [Sep 11]

Never forget to remember. When the planes did what they did to those two towers, we lost a lot of lives. American lives.


But when the firefighters arrived and pulled out survivors and deceased alike for days together in the extreme trying conditions without a care for their own safety and well being and when their families stood behind them and allowed them to go ahead… We found that the American spirit is still alive.

It has always been and it always will be.

Pray for those deceased and be proud of those who made the spirit survive – the true Patriots!

Friday the 13th 2013 [Sep 13]

Time to scare and time to wish luck!

Our gang of Steve, Aaliyah, Megan and Kong have favorite fetish. We buy some all time horror classics and settle ourselves in a dark room and shriek through the night watching these movies.

We are afraid, very afraid, but again it is fun to be afraid and know that you are safe at the same time especially with people you care for around you.

The girls shriek the most, but when Steve does he can quiet us all down. His science prowess and there are no ghosts arguments withstanding, he still gets scared like a baby.

We derive most of our fun from him rather than the movie itself. Have a fun filled Friday the 13th!


For me anniversaries are important. It is about remembering the dates and the moments. The anniversary could be anything from friendship to a relationship moment. It doesn’t matter, you got to remember them.

The reason being when you surprise the individual concerned with your wishes and more, it paves way for a whole lot of happiness at that moment and a stronger bond created for the future.

Always remember anniversaries are not just to mark the past but to start something anew.

The bond strengthens when you don’t forget to remember.

At Work

Work while you work and play while you play. I have noticed guys doing one of the two mentioned here diligently but not balancing them both at the same time.

If there is all work and no play, then the productivity actually dips overtime. It is true otherwise too when all you do is play and seldom work.

The work life balance is important in an individual’s life and a work-play balance is important in a professional’s life at work.

Balance it out and create a win-win situation.

Take care,

Editor Bob

Friday the 13th 2015 [Nov 13]

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One thought on “Wishing You Luck On Friday The 13th!

  1. B., Oh and I have to work on Friday the 13th- Yikes! I hope my students will paint wonderfully creative pictures and not be jinxed by a painter’s block- ha, ha…
    Yes, you got that right about- all work and no play make Jack or Jill dull kids. Today was my day off and took a ride to my favorite green house/ garden center. They had incredible Autumn flowers, tall beach grasses, variety of pumpkins and gourds. Was lovely. Bought some golden yellow and burnt orange Mums to plant in the yard. I am in heaven when I garden.
    Though it might take me a bit to comment, I always wish to thank you for your newsletter. hug, L.

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