A Beautiful Dream!

Hello My Dear Friends,

Let me cut the chase and get you to what I want to say… I have exciting things to share and am too excited to go blah, blah… So, here we are:

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Send Cute Cards!
God’s Child!

I vividly remember the incident that occurred the other day. Well, I had collected a bunch of primroses from my garden and was walking towards Megan’s place. And I saw a cute little blind girl on the pavement. She was reclining on a lamp post and strumming a tune on her guitar. A piece of cloth was spread in front of her and a few cents were scattered around. She never stopped her strumming even when there was a clink of a coin on the cloth. Her face remained passive and aloof, unaffected by the world around. I bent down to place a cent on the cloth and her voice quivered… I looked up to see what was wrong and I could see her nostrils flare… The smell of the flowers! And then I saw a miracle unfold! The facial creases smoothening slowly into a smile, she placed her guitar down, and reached out in my direction or rather towards the fragrance… I did what I had to do; I gave her the flowers, which she held close to her chest and yes, made my day!

A Beautiful Dream

Time machine time, guys! Ready for the ride? Let’s go back one year… Quite an interesting one! Through the window grill the sun’s hot rays entered and sneaked into my bed and snuggled close to me. I woke up with a start and opened my eyes to a bright morning and delightful, Aaliyah! Well, at least to her thoughts! The sweet dream I had last night lingered in my mind like the residual taste of the coffee that stays on the tongue long after you have emptied the cup. The dream was like an old movie or book, which you enjoyed eons ago, you don’t remember most of the plot, most of the scenes, forgot almost everything, but the nice feeling. Tried to rewind and remember what it was all about? I guess, I fell in love with her, killed a few terrorists to save her, and was that ‘happily ever after’ at the end! Hmm… the dreams don’t have recordings! Bad, bad! I was waking up with a dream of myriad hues! The day too sure complemented the dream… Meggy, Aaliyah, Steve, and me hit the road and winded up at Lake Placid! Aaliyah and I went for a stroll by the lake while the foodie beasts pounced on their prey.
We had a quiet walk and she said, “Bob, I had a dream and you know it was funny!”
Of course, I was surprised and prodded her, “well, what’s funny about it?”
She gave me a grin, “Uh ! It was jus’ that you fought a few terrorists to save me, you know, like those super hero stuff… Spiderman, Superman, whatever?” Errr…Eerie, it was surreal! And sweet, yeah, it was! Cosmic connection? Could be, or may be… Hmm…

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Send Love Greetings!

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Send Monkey Day Greetings!
Monkey Day [Jul 21]

It was Monkey Day and ‘Fast and Furious’ series was the culprit… Yup, I didn’t like Vin Diesel much, but loved the cars! And the Speed! Ferrari and Renault, well, to dream of them would be way too much for Bobby boy… hmm… anyways, got my gang, did some brainstorming and voila! Hit on an idea. We chose the Vanderbilt Intersection for a merry ride. Of course, Steve brought his brand-new half-a-century-old beaten-up Beetle and had the audacity to play ’16 till I die!’ Well, ‘anytime I will die’ would’ve sounded apt. I had my freshly scrubbed and repainted Ford while Meggie and Ron shared a ‘rainbow colored’ Volkswagen… All in all, it was an Halloween sight. Cut it! The deal was clear, we drive up the four lanes from Vanderbilt, call them laps, and hit the gas and never the brake. And so we started… Music rockin’, the engine rhythm, adrenaline, and the excitement… Wow! We were through with our ordeal in an hour, but Steve was the last to finish. Ask him why? Well, he got questioned by the cops! Bravo Steve… He has hit the pedal hard… Hmm… Nah! Don’t even dream it… His Beetle classic was so painfully slow that cops suspected something amiss and suspected a rat… Well, Steve summed it right, “Ya know Bob, the cop didn’t even bother to stop the car, he just walked along to question me” Ron literally choked on his donut hearing it.

Moment of Zen

“It takes a wise man to learn from his mistakes, but an even wiser man to learn from others.”
It’s easier that way, don’t you think?
Don’t follow the herd. Be unique. Learn from others good and bad. Chart your own path!

Visit Editor Bob’s Blog every Monday and Thursday, take a read and make the experience interactive. I have got some interesting things to share with you there.
Well, in the meantime, If you think you have a creative bone in your body, then check out our studio

Send Inspirational Greetings!
Send Inspirational Greetings!

Until next week…

Take care.

Editor, 123Greetings

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0 thoughts on “A Beautiful Dream!

  1. Hi Bob, I really liked reading your little paragraphs about caring about someone, sending greeting cards, love cards, just say a “hi” card. Thankyou,

  2. B. You are a kind and sweet person. That is why you receive all this out pouring of e-cards, letters from friends and acquaintances. You have a big heart and it shows to all who can “see.” Love to you, L.

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