A Notebook Of Memories

Last Thursday, I was cleaning my cupboard when I came across something precious. “Aaliyah! Where are you? Leave everything and come here!” I screamed with joy. “Here! What happened?” She asked. Then I showed to her an old notebook. “What is it? She asked. “Come! Sit here and let me show it to you!” I replied.

“Cheers to becoming a good human being!” – Read the first page. I flipped the pages and each page had little notes in my mom’s handwriting. Mother’s Day is here! Coming across this old notebook made me so emotional.

“Are these writings of your mom?” She asked.

“Yes! During my teenage years, every Sunday my mom used to leave a message for me. It used to be compliments regarding any of my sweet gestures or actions during that week. Something that made her proud and which she wanted me to carry on,” I expressed.

“Wow! That’s wonderful! This must-have motivated you to be better each day!” Expressed Aaliyah.

“Yes! That’s exactly what she aimed for. Our mothers know the way to bring out the best in us. Her appreciation filled me with a desire to become better each day. I was always motivated to do the right things,” I replied.

Aaliyah smiled. I had a ride of nostalgia reading the beautiful notes as Aaliyah sat beside me to listen and enjoy with cold coffee.

Later that evening, I rang up my mom to say how much I was missing her. I also ordered carnation flowers and a bracelet online for Mother’s Day.

A mother is one of the greatest influences of our lives that we look up to. She knows how to motivate us and turn our weaknesses into strengths. Her encouragement does wonders! It’s through her guiding light that we become responsible and better human beings. We spread smiles and make the world a better place just like she does.

Share with me stories of you and your mother. Also, let me know how you wish to make this Mother’s Day special for her!

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