The Right One Will Spread Joy Like May Flowers

A fresh morning breeze swept across Big Apple. Sipping the first cup of coffee, I was looking at the May flowers which were blooming beautifully. Aaliyah came and sat beside me after watering them. “They look so beautiful, just like you!” I expressed. “Oh Bob, stop flirting right in the morning!” She replied and got up to make her coffee.

Aaliyah never takes me seriously! Only if she knew how beautiful she has turned my life!

Last night Steve had called and shot the question, “Bob how do we know if a particular person is right for us?”

“With the right one, you will want to live a little more and laugh a little louder!” I replied to him and shared with him a few qualities to help him find the right one.

Let me share them with you too:

  • They will be supportive- The right person will motivate you to follow your dreams. They will push you out of your comfort zone to let you grow. You will be much more self-driven and self-confident. They will add that dose of positivity to your life. You will start taking one day at a time with them and feel the difference!
  • It will be spontaneous- The connection will grow organically. Be it the communication, plans, or the day to day affairs, it would be spontaneous. You won’t feel stuck to express or be the way you are. It will be effortless and you won’t feel exhausted. The chemistry and compatibility will grow each day.
  • They will be a constant- Loving someone means being together both during good and bad times. It’s like never giving up on the other person. Even when you fight, you both should come running to each other and be the first place of solace. They will be your constant, no matter what.

“Thank you so much, Bob! I am planning to date and this time I want an everlasting bond! It gave me so much clarity!” Replied Steve.

“Good luck!” I replied and then we hung up.

Much like theMay flowers, the right one will fill our lives with immense joy and positivity! Their sweet essence and companionship will make every part of life memorable and beautiful.

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