Taking That First Step Will Be Worth It!

“Chicken taquitos and Blueberry cheesecake on Brother’s Day! Be there at my place. Also, a surprise awaits!”- The message from Liz read.

“I’ll be there!” I replied. I was smiling. “What happened, Bob? Why are you smiling?” Asked Aaliyah.

I showed her the message. “Pampered brother!” She expressed. “Yes, I am!” I replied.

“It’s so good to see you both like this. I remember how you were unhappy when you had drifted apart for a while. I could sense how much you missed her,” said Aaliyah.

Liz and I had a fallout a few years back. The fight was ugly and we both were extremely hurt. I missed her and we both wanted things to go back to normal. But, someone had to take that first step. I took it and it was one of the best decisions!

“Yes, I did miss her! A misunderstanding can magnify if we don’t sort it out. Communicating is the best way to resolve fights. But, we give in to our egos and that creates a barrier,” I replied.

“But, what made you realize it? Why did you suddenly decide to mend things?” She asked.

“I realized that I can’t let a fight wash away all the good times and memories!  Misunderstandings and fights can happen. What’s important is how we solve it and then later laugh over it thinking, ‘Oh! Look how silly we were!’ So, one fine morning I rang the bell to tell her sorry! And, we hugged immediately!” I expressed.

“That’s so nice! You both are so adorable!” She expressed.

I smiled and then we got back to watching our favorite TV series.

A fight should not stand in the way of relationships. Our loved ones are precious! Looking at the bigger picture we should always fix things. Taking that first step may feel challenging initially but it’s worth it! It’s always best to sort out and come out together stronger than before.

Share with me your sibling stories! Also, what plans do you have for this Brother’s Day?

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