Be Sweet And Stay In Touch!

My dear brothers, sisters and friends,

Every day brings in new challenges and new plans. Routine as we call it is no more a routine. Very few things that we do today, we do tomorrow. It is not like before. Things are changing. Change was constant, but now it is consistently constant. I have become a believer of that. It is an interesting phase in the world as we know it today. I don’t know when we will become extinct, but I know that we have started becoming quite distinct. Let’s adapt and welcome change. That said, let’s take a stroll and visit the events and emotions of the week.

Sweetest Day [Oct 20]

Lazy Sweetest Day morning wake up to your loved one. Kiss her forehead and whisper ‘I love you.’ Serve her hot piping coffee with some crackers. Fix breakfast with sandwich, scrambled eggs and orange juice. Top it all with some sweet candies.

Bring in the gifts. Get her to wear what you had gifted her. Watch one old classic movie after another on the couch together. Lunch would be raiding the fridge and surviving on finger foods. Take shower in the evening. Head for a walk and then to the restaurant for a candle light dinner.

Head home in your car with light music playing. Sleep without dreams.

Have a very Happy Sweetest Day!


If love is the soul of your being then friendship is its keeper. To stay sane, you need a friend. Friendship is man-made. God has nothing to do with it. And we made that because we wanted to create something divine.

Care for a friend just the way you would for your soul mate. No one in this world can survive without a friend. Even when love leaves, a friend fills in the void.

Breakups happen in love, but not in friendships. Friends fight, they don’t breakup. Because they know they would need each other whatever happens.


Stay in Touch

As mentioned earlier, change has become too consistently constant. There isn’t time for much anymore. No time to breathe even; always on a rush. Most of our getting together happens on the elevators. That’s the time we used to look at whoever we know inside that box and exchange pleasantries and the reason for that is that we were not able to go anywhere till our respective floors arrive.

Well, that’s not the case anymore now. We have our mobile phones to check emails and messages while on the elevator and we don’t even know who we are traveling along with.

In such a world and time, to keep one sane, get in touch with a friend or a family member whom you care for and who cares for you. Staying in touch with your loved one will keep you in touch with reality and keep you from getting lost in this mad-rush world.


Everyday can be a festive day if you want it to be. Greet everyone with a pleasant good morning and a very bright smile. Smile is the most infectious of all things in the world. Trust me.

If possible pick a bunch of flowers and give one stalk to everyone who is special to you in your workplace. A positive vibe will chase you all day.

Don’t go through the day to finish the day, but stroll through like you are enjoying it. To do that you got to really enjoy it.

Everyday is a beautiful day if you want it to be. All days are like white papers on a notebook. Every page is the same, but they become special depending on what you write on them.

It is up to you to write your own destiny.

Have a good day.

Take care,

Editor Bob


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2 thoughts on “Be Sweet And Stay In Touch!

  1. B., oh B.,
    What can I say? You have outdone yourself. This is the most moving newsletter of all. I could spend a ‘Sweetest Day’ with you, that’s for sure. Sounds fine to me. Maybe someday…
    xo, xo, xo, L.

  2. B., A blank white page can be intimitating, but at the same time inviting and invigorating. Let’s sribble, scratch and scrawl something together. Love to you, L.

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