Come Alive To New Opportunities In 2016!

Frail as he was at 91, New Year morning always saw him at his refulgent best, with his grandchildren all around him, propping him up in more ways than one, much like the way he had cushioned them through their growing up years.

He is my neighbor and a great friend and when I see his sagging profile I feel with every passing day, he is losing his vitality and his cells are dying beyond repair. I was wondering what makes him tick as the New Year rolls in.

He was sitting across as I was gazing at him with a troubled look when he said, “Being immortal doesn’t make life valuable, being mortal does.”

There was a long pause and then he said, “You must learn to be alive to the fresh new opportunities opening up rather than moaning over the defying age and its physical afflictions. Be around your loved ones and value them even more, being ephemeral the moments become more cherished.”

I couldn’t agree much and I believe in living each moment which comes to us as a gift so that the magic remains with us long after the time is up.

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New Year Inspiration! Send New Year Greetings!Send Ecard

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Be dead to moroseness, to the rage and jealousy, to the voice of greed and arrogance, to complacency, to stinginess, to ingratitude.

Be alive to love, gratefulness, self-esteem, generosity and compassion. Be alive to action, make it happen for yourself and come alive.

Take stock of those who’ve got your back. They’re the people that matter and there’s nothing more rewarding than being with them in their moments of happiness and sorrow.

Send wishes their way throughout the year; let them be eager to open their mailboxes every day to your warm wishes and love.

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