Editor Bob Honors the Veterans

Hey there,

After a fabulous Halloween, it’s time to settle down. I am back at my desk and as always, there’s a load of work to be done. With the Halloween spirit playing havoc all around, hardly anything got done. My desk is still filled with Halloween decorations and left-over candies. They’re the best! So I’m staying back late for a couple of days to make sure things go through before the Thanksgiving holidays. Enough about me, let’s talk of someone and something more important than my spooky desk.

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  Veterans Day [Nov 11]

Remember the dream Fred had? It may have slipped some of our minds, but it has not lost any importance or effect on Fred’s mind. He’s serious about the resolve he has taken to initiate some change wherever possible. So he has come with a plan that is not only noble, but will also make real impact. The sheer simplicity of the plan is amazing. He made some new friends while he was campaigning for Obama and a lot of people were impressed by how much he knew and his enthusiasm for positive change. He was offered to join a lobby group in Washington D.C. for Veterans. He was really happy that Obama won and it gave him a renewed enthusiasm. He’s willing to fight for real change. When I quizzed him why he did so, he told me that this was the best time to do something for these war veterans, especially with the recession cutting into their social security checks in a big way. “We have to rebuild America and take care of the soldiers who are coming back from the war zones,” said Fred.

I wanted to know more. So Fred told me how he planned to mobilize his friends who are veterans to talk to their representatives and senators. He’s getting them to do some fund raising for the veterans of all wars, especially the ones that are going on now. He wants to collect as much money as he can to help veterans. I think it’s a brilliant idea and timely as well. “With the economy going the way it is,” Fred said, “it’s not easy to get veterans back into society and get a job. They have every reason to get worried.” Since he’s going to be with a lobby group, he can make real change, campaigning for bills and statutes that is going to effect the veterans directly. Fred has taken up a brilliant cause and with his grit and determination, he’ll surely make headway. I am really inspired by the energy level of this amazing man, not to mention the wonderful work he continues to do for the country. I am so proud to have him as a friend and am really encouraged by him. Enthusiasm is really infectious folks.

Forget Me Not Day [Nov 10]

Cathy has filled up Adrian’s life in more ways than one. She’s back from her never-ending series of conferences, conventions, seminars, etc. Anyway, the long and the short of it is, she’s back with more than just a bang. They are going out on dates every other night and would you believe it, after every date Adrian would come back home and thank Kong! He’s crazy! He’d say, “It’s all for you Kong, my buddy!” My best buddy Adrian talks to my dog more than he talks to me! I don’t know what Kong understands, but he wags his tail like an old man would shake his head on being told that he’s right. He loves the treats Adrian gets him though. He LOVES them Greenies for sure!

Adrian picked up some forget-me-not flowers on his way to meet Cathy. Cathy was delighted to have them, but when she asked Adrian if he knew why they were called forget-me-not, Adrian was stumped. Poor soul, he had no clue. I bet he never thought why a flower was called what it is called. Cathy didn’t mind though. She told him that medieval legend story that has a knight who picked up these flowers to gift his lady love. They were walking beside a river and when he tried to give it to her, his heavy armor tilted his balance and he fell into the river. As he got swept away, the knight shouted, “Forget me not! Forget me not my love!” until his armor took him into the depths of the river. That is how the flowers got its name.

Cathy implied that Adrian was her knight-in-shining-armor and that was much more than Adrian was expecting. He is delighted to have found love in his rather irregular life. Knight or not, heavy armor or not, he is happy he could make his lady love feel special.

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Talk about lover boy knights, guess who’s taking love lessons?! Rick! I know we all see him as the Marlboro man or the ultimate macho guy but he’s been getting inspired by Jeffrey and Kate’s wedding plans. He has slowly developed this secret desire to settle down with Kaitlin soon. He was holding the cards closely to his chest, but they came out, face up, when he asked Jeffrey questions that was so not like Rick. He apparently asked Jeffrey what he should be doing to plan things so that he can settle down as soon as possible and how to be more romantic.

Jeffrey didn’t embarrass him or anything, he doesn’t know him well, so he thought the questions were normal. He casually mentioned them to Kate. Kate was like, “Rick asked you about settling down? He was talking about romance? Rick? Our Rick?!” In fifteen minutes, calls and text messages went out and everyone knew what Rick’s been up to. The beauty of technology I tell ya! When we all met at our weekly get together dinner, we were all smiling at him, but we didn’t tell him anything. EVERYONE was observing what he would do without really telling him or appearing not to notice things. I have to tell ya folks though, there has been a remarkable difference between the Rick that I knew before Kaitlin, and after Kaitlin. Of course she was glowing with satisfaction too. It’s good to see things working out between the two of them, crazy as the couple maybe.

At the end of it all, we were very proud that Rick had changed so much for the better. Kaitlin was heard praising him as well. That’s another rarity. Have we run out of our doze of Rick-Kaitlin fights? Only Time can tell.

Cheer Up

Barbs of loneliness’. Yes, that was the phrase. In the recent past, this phrase has been going around my brain like a rat trapped in a box. But the fact is that I have forgotten who it was that put this phrase in my brain. Was it Megan? Unlikely, because it is some days since I talked to her. Mrs. Bradley? No, she was too busy with the transfer of her roses to Frank’s green-house. Was it Steve then? It could be. It may sound shocking to you, but I am not, especially with all the philosophical waxing that Steve is indulging in lately. Don’t you believe me? Sample this.

Irina called up Steve to check up what he did during Halloween. Steve, I knew, stayed away and so did Irina. Steve is supposed to have cheered up Irina by sharing her loneliness and empathizing with her. Yes, he’s the one who used that phrase to define for Irina what the both of them are feeling this festive season. Irina was very touched with Steve’s kind words and is now all praise for his depth of mind and understanding of the human psyche.

I was aghast. Steve and human psyche? What’s happening to my friends?! Steve is doing the philosophical wanderings and Rick is learning to waltz! Anyway, the good part is that Irina did take it to heart from whatever this techie-turned-teacher had to offer and is visibly cheerful afterwards. I guess the ‘barbs’, as Steve put it, are not so painful anymore. So far, so good. Knowing the crazy bunch my friends are, this sense of static and calm is very unnerving. This is not the cynic in me speaking, this is the one in me who has to take charge each time there’s a crisis. Or maybe it’s just the calm before the storm? I’m scared to think about it!

The Zen quote this week had to be one on empowerment, because that is what buzzword seems to be. Self-dependency is the only constant in these tumultuous times, so here’s one by Judy Garland to prop things up for you: “Always be a first-rate version of yourself, instead of a second-rate version of somebody else.” I can’t say that better. Be true to yourself and everything else will fall in place.

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Take good care,

Editor, 123Greetings

P.S. If you people want to catch up with me on Hi5, join the 123Greetings Official Fan Club. Click here!

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12 thoughts on “Editor Bob Honors the Veterans

  1. Bob, tell Fred to keep up the good work for the veterans. We have alot of them out there that need help. Please don’t forget their families that need help too. I have been married to 2 that I have lost to Agent Orange. They grew up together and joined the service for their country. I lost one when he was 56 and the other was 59. Now I am left with nothing. No help from the goverment. I also have a son that joined the Marines and served in Iraq during the Gulf War. He is only 35 and is starting to have trouble. He has 2 little girls and a wife to support and is having trouble doing that.

    Thank you for listening. Tell Fred to find away to take care of our guys and girls. We need more people like Fred to step up to the plate and help our vets.

  2. I wonder, how much small e-cards, notes and newsletters can do for us…
    When someone gives you hand you got wings to fly to new joy, hopes, happyness…
    Is there any choice here

  3. I am so happy to receive your newsletter again because I am enjoying your word and learn new word every times. At one time I thought you going to quit and I was so sad but now I know you are back, it is so wonderful! Thank you for not quit from writing, where you shouldn’t. 🙂

  4. Dear Bob,

    Very lovely cards that you have made for readers like us to use and to share with true friends. Again no doubts that you have such creative mind from creating cartoon into meaningful words that touched people’s lives!
    I like most is the “Forget me Not” card.
    It reminds me so much of my friendships with friends i care.
    Sometimes sitting here remembering about how friendships started. Weird! i must say. Odds I must say too! I can laugh but also can cry. Mostly afraid that i can’t control myself from stomping on someone’s foot, pulling someone’s hair, kicking someone’s on their belly and run like hell! Well, thanks for helping us feel special although just a short moment in our lives.

    Now! can i be hired to work for 123 stomping her feet, pulling her hair, kicking her belly yet?

    yeah! right!
    I’m sure from the above thoughts, who would hire me? Na! forget me not….

    Take care my friend! forget me not to be your friend! Nah! that’s not making sense either! woo! i better say good night!

    ha ha ,, he he,,, hee hee, haa haa.!
    So Long my dear friend!
    Wishing you the best in your writing and the best in everything you do… especially your health so that you can always be the best editor in life!

    by the way— I believe one day you will win a “Noble Prize”..

  5. And oh dear Bob, forgot to mention that—

    I also like “beside you” ecard. beautiful picture and beautiful music inside!

    good bye!

  6. Bob, when Fred has a moment please ask him to check out this website: http://www.homesforourtroops.org. They are a non-profit organization who build specially adapted homes for returning veterans with serious injuries. Each house is built to that soldiers needs. All of this is done at no cost to the veteran. The entire home is built with the help of the community, and donations. They build homes all over the country. Good luck Fred! You are a true patriot!

  7. I applaud you for remembering and honoring our Veterans.More needs to be done.Many are not only suffering but homeless.As a homeless shelter Director, I see the sad side of the war , and how our Veterans are treated.Highly decorated and very brave Vets show up at our door.Refused help elsewhere.Many shelters do not even accept Vets.One of my most recent was a 51 year old retired Navy Seal.He served our Country from Vietnam to Iraq.Two Purple Hearts ,and numerous other medals.Hurricane Katrina destroyed all he had.Now years later,he is still homeless as FEMA has not yet settled his case.Disabled and unable to work.Just out of a two and a half month stay at the VA Hospital,he found us.

    We are helping him with his problems.He has become part of our family.Ray is now ok.

    Sadly, many remain in the woods.Why ? Most homeless shelters and programs available are comparable to prison.These men fought bravely to defend our Country, and the rights of others.Why cant we defend them ?

    I am in the process of creating 20 new beds for homeless men.But demand far outweighs supply.

    We hope for all to remember and pray for our Vets…They need and deserve it.God bless you for doing your part.

    Jim Sleighter
    Founder of Mission in Citrus

  8. Thank God for people like Fred. I remember, just like it was only yesterday, how we “Nam Vets” were treated or mistreated when we came back home.
    We received better treatment during and after the first “Gulf War”, but nothing like the GREAT support and treatment the returnees are getting today. Maybe it is because so many of us have sons and/or daughters involved in the wars today.

  9. Dear Bob,
    Thank you for your new look of free greetings for the planet. I am from Croatia and enjoy sending your wonderful cards to my family and friends all over the world. Thanks for your newletters too. I am always enjoing surffing through your creative world.
    Thank you for keeping me so special just for few moments, please take care and be my friend the way you know.
    Best regards, Silvia

  10. Hello Bod

    I really enjoy readind ur news letter, but is been long i received your news letter and ve missed it alot. Hope all is well? you are the best editor keep it up! I wil be expecting to received this news letter and if possible those ones ve missed.



  11. It doesn’t matter if each of us is strong or weak. At times we have our tears shed just like Beary the bear! it’s a very cute card.
    Bravo to your inteligent and creative art work!

    take good care, boB!
    and always “Thank you”

    your reader

  12. We keep looking for your e-mail but seldom get it ! We’ve subscribed often, but of course we are told we have already subscribed, Yet, we don’t get the messages. We so look forward to your letters. What can we do? Can you help us straighten this out? Thanks a bunch for your help ! Love and hugs, Fran & Vinnie

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