Flowers For Your Love!

My Dear Brothers, Sisters and Friends,

I love my life. I ooze positivity these days. Maybe, it’s a holiday season thing or jus’ maybe I am getting a little gray hair jus’ like our President. All said, it was a wonderful week that went past and am sure there is an ever more beautiful week ahead. Hop on, let’s see what’s out there.

Send November Flower Greetings!
Send November Flower Greetings!
November Flower [November]

Days are long and nights are hard, but a smiling flower right by you is a soothing medicine to the heart. I know it and so does Aaliyah. If a day didn’t go right for us, we would seek solace in a garden filled with flowers. A walk amongst them is therapeutic and to have your loved one to hold your hands while you do that is amazing.

We experience that all the time and would urge you to do the same.

Go on and send some flowers to your beloved, take a walk in the garden or jus’ send a November Flower card to them. It is a beautiful gesture and you are guaranteed reciprocation.

World Hello Day [Nov 21]

“Hello World!”that’s what Steve said when he entered my abode. The next thing he did was to get hold of my phone.

He browsed through my contacts and found our common friends and went “Hello!” It was World Hello Day and he made sure everyone was greeted by his voice and of course, with some greeting cards too. All at my expense.

I didn’t mind a bit as it was for a good cause. But again, Steve being Steve, did what he is supposed to do. He made some prank calls to our nearest burger joint and dutifully used my name for the same.

I may get a call from the cops anytime now. Well, Steve is going to pay though and that’s because I am chasing him while I type this message to you guys on my phone.

Send World Hello Day Greetings!
Send World Hello Day Greetings!
Send Love Greetings!
Send Love Greetings!

There are embarrassing moments in everyone’s life. I had one such moment last week. I couldn’t tell anyone naturally as the reason is obvious – it was an embarrassing incident. After contemplating for a while, I decided to open up to Aaliyah.

One week’s problem was resolved in a few seconds. She jus’ gave me a hug. Didn’t speak a word and it mattered nothing to her that I did something embarrassing.

I should have got to her earlier. I love my life, people. I have got the best girl in the world.


If that’s my love I feel lucky about then what about my friends? Oh! I am double lucky there! Got some sweet people around me who take care of me more than I deserve. I am living a life that’s simple and neat with friends who care and a girl who loves me. What more can I ask for?

Well, I do have one thing to ask for though… Your love and your comments.

Do visit Editor Bob’s Blog (Mondays and Thursdays) and leave a comment there. I would like that.

Send Friendship Greetings!
Send Friendship Greetings!

Take care.

Editor, 123Greetings

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