Hug A Bear And Give Thanks This November!

To start things off this beautifully warm November, we are celebrating Hug a Bear Day on November 7. Now, I don’t believe hugging a real live bear is a situation you’ll want to find yourself in, however I’m sure you can find the next best thing, a teddy bear! Hug that little bear so tight to only to be filled with memories of nostalgia, the holidays have a way of bringing every lost memory to the surface.

Don’t let those memories go to waste, on November 10 it’s Forget Me Not Day. Reach out to a family member or friend you don’t often have the chance to talk to and call them up. It’s nice to know you haven’t forgotten your loved ones.

Perhaps one of those family members is a Veteran? November 11 is Veterans Day. Don’t forget to raise your flags for those who fought to keep you safe and if you know someone personally, there is not better day than this to show your appreciation. They fought hard for our country and they deserve the greatest recognition!

November Flowers
November1- November 30, 2014

Veterans Day November 11, 2014

November 27, 2014

Will be back next week.
With Hug A Bear And Thanksgiving Greetings,

Editor, 123Greetings

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