Rosh Hashanah Brings In Sweet New Beginnings

Aaliyah and I were watching our favorite web series after work when my phone rang. It was Ethan. “Hey, Ethan! How have you been? Finally, you are missing Uncle Bob!” I expressed. “I’m doing well! And yes! I am missing you all. I so wish to be in NYC with you all now!” He replied. His voice sounded low. His tone reflected that he was upset.

“What’s wrong?” Is everything alright?” I asked. “Not really. I am feeling bad after reviewing my past actions. When Emily had moved out, mom was lonely! I never gave mom enough time. I remember her coming and sitting in my room for a cup of coffee to talk only to see me busy. Now staying away from her, I miss her. I have realized that what I did was wrong!” He expressed.

“Calm down, Ethan! What is done is done! But you can always start again! Marking a new beginning, Rosh Hashanah is here! The apple dipped in honey and the challah loaded with raisins, symbolize that a sweet beginning is awaiting ahead!” I expressed.

“Will things be fine? Will I be able to make it up to her?” He asked. “It will! Don’t be afraid! Self-realization is a great step and is the foundation for making things better. It’s never too late! Rosh Hashanah brings with it new hopes of a better tomorrow,” I replied.

He took a few deep breaths! “Okay! I feel a lot better now! I will call and talk to mom. Also, I will make sure to never do the same thing with her or anyone else ever again. I’ll spend quality time and make my dear ones feel loved and valued,” he expressed.

“Yes, do that! And, don’t worry! This fresh start will make the ‘son and mother’ bond grow stronger!” I said and then we hung up.

There is nothing greater than self-realization which comes right after self-reflection and introspection. Following this, it takes a great deal of courage to own up to the mistakes and then mend things. The doubts and fears should be replaced by hopes and good intentions. Backed by prayers, it will always be guided to the path of sweet new beginnings!

Let me know about your self-reflection and resolutions for this New Year! Happy Rosh Hashanah everyone!

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