My Treasure Trove!

I was taking a walk in Mrs. Bradley’s garden in the evening. Pretty yellow pansies, red celosia, violet asters, white dianthus, and the rustling leaves, Autumn is here! I have always been smitten by the rustic and yellow hue of this season that symbolizes realization and maturity. A fond memory crept in. Let me share it with you!

It was during college days. I had come for the weekend and was out for a jog in the morning with dad. We took three big rounds. Finally, got tired and sat on the bench. Dad somehow always managed to understand if I wasn’t alright. So after observing me for a while, he finally shot the question, “What’s wrong, Bob?”

“I’m extremely upset due to my favorite teacher, Mr. Smith’s demise. I shared some good rapport with him, I miss him. I was too used to having him around the campus as my mentor! To me, things are not the same. Perhaps, I will never come across someone like him. It’s a great loss for me!” I had responded.

“Bob, I understand. Grieve as much as you want but remember change is the essence of life. Look around,  is here! Reminding us to let go of some past and embrace the present moment before it’s gone. Autumn also reflects preservation. So, remember his teachings and preserve his words but don’t stay stuck. Move on and open your arms for the new learnings and experiences that are about to come! Mr. Smith wouldn’t have wanted otherwise, I’m sure!” He had expressed.

Dad always left me with great insight. Though it wasn’t easy his words comforted me. “Will I be able to overcome this grief?” I had asked. He held my shoulder and said, “You are brave my son! You will. Besides, time heals everything,” dad had replied.

So, after this conversation with dad, I returned to college with a much positive frame of mind. It was not that easy all at once, but slowly I overcame the grief. The agony and melancholy were replaced by realization and maturity. Slowly, I started accepting and embracing the change.

Mr. Smith’s words memories are still present with me. My treasure trove!

Didn’t realize that I was smiling, when my thoughts got interrupted by Aaliyah’s voice, “Why are you smiling, Bob?” Her hands were occupied with a tray of tea and cookies. “You, my love, always bring a smile on my face!” I replied.

“I’m not believing you this time! Flirting with lies! I am sure you were lost in some memory!” She replied. “Okay! I’m guilty! You’re right, I was reminiscing a fond memory!” We both laughed and looking at the evening sky, took sips of our aromatic tea.

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