Wish You A Very Happy Best Friends Day!

My dear brothers, sisters and friends,

Amazing days ahead this week that it’s an absolute delight to be alive and kicking! Yes folks, the week that has just started has a lot of goodies in store. I am sure you would be excited as I am to check out what they bring in and I would suggest you check the Event Calendar from time to time in our site and you would have reasons to be happy as there is one good event or another being celebrated everyday. That said let’s check out what we have in store for the week.

Best Friends Day [June 8]

To be blessed with a few friends whom you can call special is great. To have one best friend is like amazing. But to have a gang of friends as best friends is a blessing! And I am blessed. I have got my best friends all under one roof on Best Friends Day and we just celebrate each other and what difference we bring in the lives of each other.

We love to do things that all of you guys love to do. But there is one difference. We love to do them all together. There is happiness in doing even mundane things if you are in company of a best friend.

I am lucky that I have got so many. I wish you have at least one too.

Here’s to the best friends!

Profess Your Love Day [Jun 9]

Butterflies in the stomach – Check!

Sweaty palms – Check!

Nervous posture – Check!

Thumping heart – Check!

Stuttering Tongue – Check!

Congratulations! You are ready to fall in love! You aren’t flirting my friend! If you are going to your special someone and feel this way while professing your love, you are going to have a good life! The reason is that with all the symptoms mentioned above your love is true. You are anxious for it to work and you really want it. That’s the secret to find the one you want.

All lovers start somewhere and usually it starts on the day you profess your love and we have a day just for that: Profess Your Love Day and on that day you can go and start a life that you always wanted with the person whom you adore.

All the best!


We talked about friends, best friends and then love. There is one more relationship that will stick by you if all else fails. And that’s the family!

This one’s for keeps. You were born into this relationship and have gotten abundant love by default. There are many in your family who may have varied emotions about you, but they will never be afar from you when you are in need.

Family stays. Forever.

Give them the respect they deserve by at least being in touch with them.

Thank You

There are great many relationships in your life and you can count your blessings for the same. Then once you are done feeling blessed, start thanking them. Yes. These relationships deserve your gratitude. Your feeling of being lucky to have them in your life has to be communicated.

That is the beauty of love, both the sender and receiver feels special.

And that can be done by a simple word of thanks.

Say that and nurture the relationship.

Take care,

Editor Bob

Profess Your Love Day 2016 [Jun 9]

Send Profess Your Love Day Greetings!
Send Profess Your Love Day Greetings!


Send Family Greetings!
Send Family Greetings!

Thank You

Send Thank You Greetings!
Send Thank You Greetings!
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One thought on “Wish You A Very Happy Best Friends Day!

  1. B., Check on all 5 counts, Mister B. Merci!for your friendship and love. It is a beautiful sunny day here in Paris. They have had a very cold and dark spring. So today they are all out in colorful cafés and bistros enjoying life!
    Happy Best Friend Day.
    hugs from across the ocean,

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