Love Treasure Hunt!

The snowstorm hyped by the media as the blizzard of the century, officially named Juno, hit the city just recently. Although it was not as massive as projected, the governor closed the public transportation. In the evening, the city became too quiet leaving us with ample time. New York City was draped in sparkling white splendor.

I made a cup of hot steaming coffee and sat down to plan some surprises for Aaliyah, the love of my life, for the upcoming Valentine’s Day. She is annoyed with me because of my awfully packed schedule. I intend to use every opportunity to make her feel special.

recall one such exciting Valentine month when she had planned a love treasure hunt for me which gave me many insightful moments. In my snow-covered garden was laying a heap of rose petals. As I dug into the tender, aromatic pile, I found a little note wrapped on a single rose with a wish inside, “Happy Rose Day”, it guided me to the nearby basketball court.

Rose DaySend Rose Day Ecard!Send Rose Day Ecard!

Chocolate DaySend Chocolate Day Ecard!Send Chocolate Day Ecard!

Promise DaySend Promise Day Ecard!Send Promise Day Ecard!

Bright, little, yellow smiley balls were scattered in the rink. I glanced at the balls for something unusual and was excited to see one orange ball with a wink and widest smile on it, I picked it up with a big grin on my face, there was a message for me-“Happy Smile Day!”

Next day, there was a post-it note on the oven door-“relish the muffins.” Freshly baked chocolate chip muffins are my favorite. As I was nibbling on the muffin, I found a slip of paper sticking to it which read, “Happy Chocolate Day! My love, you are as tempting as this! See you tomorrow at the orphanage I serve in.” The excitement was mounting and I was looking forward to the treasure hunt.

At the orphanage the next day, every kid had a teddy bear in hand, one of the kids came up to me and said –“your next clue is with a little boy named Teddy, look for him”, he smiled and wished me, Happy Teddy Bear Day! It was great fun playing along with them. Finally, I found Teddy and the clue to the next treasure hunt, more than that I enjoyed the company of these little children.

It was the Promise Day and I knew I was in for a wonderful surprise. I went into the garden close to my house where she had set up my next agenda. In one corner of the garden lay a poster stuck on a tree which read –“Do you see a seed? It promises the tree you can’t yet see but it’s going to be…” I was so touched I looked around and found a packet of seeds. I knew what her intent was so I planted a tree there with my love and gratefulness overflowing. I knew now, what was the treasure she wanted me to hunt for. Love is a wonderful feeling when it’s not laden with expectations, it makes your heart expand to encompass the entire universe.

And the clue for the Kiss Day says, I have to be at the club at 10 am. I am looking forward to the revelation.

Love & Joy,
Editor Bob

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