A Pat On The Back from Editor Bob!

My dear sisters, brothers and friends,

What a week it was! Had an amazing weekend with family and friends and am raring to go. I missed you all and I hope you missed me too. Here I am waiting to take you on a joy ride through the week.

Hop on, please.

Employee Appreciation Day [Mar 2]

I like it when someone gives me a pat on the back. I like it when you guys comment on my newsletter. I love it when you send cards that we create. You know why?

Because it feels good. Money is an important factor in an employment, but to me the most important would be appreciation of work by a superior or a colleague.

I would like that for sure.

Sure, you would too, I guess. There is a day dedicated to it too and that is Employee Appreciation Day and I urge you to send these cards to your colleagues, subordinates etc and make their day special.

Say Hi to Mom Day 2016 [Mar 5]

Send Say Hi To Mom Day Greetings!

Send Say Hi To Mom Day Greetings!


Send Congratulation Greetings!

Send Congratulation Greetings!


Send Flowers Greetings!

Send Flowers Greetings!

Say Hi To Mom Day [Mar 5]

She is the One. She doesn’t ask for anything, but jus’ gives. She never wanted a post card neither a greeting card. But wouldn’t she smile if you sent one?

There is no need for an excuse to say hi to your mom, but well, when there is a day dedicated for it, why don’t you make the most out of it?

Go tell her how much you love her or just send a ‘hi’ and she will understand.

Why do you think we create cards for all kinds of events and emotions here?

Because we want you to keep in touch with your loved ones… That is why!


Steve has gotten the Great Geek award in his office. Yes! This geeky guy has a medal now. He sports it almost every day and is too proud to hide it.

Hey, isn’t that good? Though his interests are nerdy, he is good at what he does. And that’s reason for celebrations and a big congratulation from my side.

Sure thing, I went around and gave him a hug but before I did, I sent a card.

Always feels good to check your mail and find a congratulatory message.


Smell the roses!

That’s what I did the other day. I walked to the near park and was smelling the roses literally. Do you know that almost every second rose has a different fragrance? I mean, they are all unique at least to my nostrils.

It was as if sniffing around in the nature world like the Tarzan and wow! I had a whale of a time.

Sometimes, it feels good to do mundane things and things for no reason attached to it.

I love the way the world has given us the freedom to think and act. We can do what we want, when we want and how we want.

Isn’t it beautiful to be a human being in this world?

It is painful sometimes, yes. But there is always also the incentive of being the prime being among all beings.

And it is beautiful.

I hope you enjoyed yourself this week and are looking forward to the next.

I won’t let you wait.

Jus’ a few days… And I will be there.

Take care,


Editor Bob

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