Salute Our Soldiers! May 12, 2013November 18, 2015Editor Bob Comment My dear brothers, sisters and friends, One week passes by with a weekend thrown at the end to rejuvenate for the week next. ...more
I Love You, Mom! May 7, 2013November 18, 2015Editor Bob Comment My dear brothers, sisters and friends, What is happiness? It is a state of being. Too many people worry about what would happen ...more
Happy Brothers and Sisters Day! April 28, 2013November 18, 2015Editor Bob Comment My dear brothers, sisters and friends, A good week just passed by us and I am looking forward to another good week. Isn’t ...more
Thank The Professionals! April 22, 2013November 18, 2015Editor Bob Comment My dear brothers, sisters and friends, Bad things happened last week in Boston, but again humanity won the moment. There is peace, calm ...more
Tax, Tears And Congratulations! April 14, 2013November 18, 2015Editor Bob Comment My dear brothers, sisters and friends, In clockwork precision the sun sets and rises, it does its duty without a regard to what ...more
World’s Best Mom! April 8, 2013November 18, 2015Editor Bob 4 My dear brothers, sisters and friends, She will hold the umbrella and walk in the rain jus’ so that you don’t get drenched ...more
Fall In Love And Smile A Lot! March 31, 2013November 19, 2015Editor Bob 1 My dear brothers, sisters and friends, Amazing week went by us and we are looking at repeating the same this week. Happiness is ...more
Good Friday Wishes For You And Your Family From Us. March 24, 2013November 19, 2015Editor Bob 1 My dear brothers, sisters and friends, I took a break and I am rejuvenated, fresh and raring to go. Ask me where I ...more
Smile And The World Will Smile With You! March 17, 2013November 19, 2015Editor Bob 5 My dear brothers, sisters and friends, Had a great weekend and I’m looking forward to an amazing week ahead… How about you guys? ...more
St. Patrick’s Day Celebrations Ahead! March 10, 2013November 19, 2015Editor Bob 3 My dear brothers, sisters and friends, After one eventful week here comes another one. Such is life. There is always a door opened ...more