But First A Cup O’ Coffee!

National Coffee Day

As long as there was coffee in the world, how bad could things be?”
― Cassandra Clare, City of Ashes

On 29th of September the nation celebrates National Coffee Day. For me though anytime could be “Coffee O’ Clock” especially when my mind is jammed up with endless ideas. I start my day with fresh coffee and that is my idea of mindfulness.

I remember days when I was wanting to date a damsel in school and I was unsure about asking her out as an after effect of many lost opportunities. It is difficult especially when one has a crush on the other. So what saved me? Yes you guessed it right, a cup o’ coffee. I remember pouring my heart out from across the table with the smell of joe rising from our mugs entrusting upon me a ‘do-it-now’ kinda attitude and finally I said it, “It’s been brewing in my heart for long and today is the day to confess, I’ve got a crush on you.” She sipped her java with crimson cheeks and a sweet smile on her lips.

Well, that’s what coffee does to me even today. I approach every challenge with this special ‘date-with-my-crush’ attitude and it works.

The coffee is brewing, the music is flowing and pinned to the refrigerator is a love note from my angel, Aaliyah, a reminder to take care of my heart. Last week I had some flip-flop feeling in the chest which got her worried.  With the note is attached an invitation from a friend of mine for Rosh Hashanah Seder. I am thrilled.

Happy National Coffee Day!

We have few more reasons to look forward to the coming week. It is the Rosh Hashanah time, which marks the beginning  of a good year in the Jewish religion. It venerates the creation of the world and is believed to be a day of judgement. I enjoy the customary dinner wherein every food on the platter is symbolic be it pomegranate, date, string bean, beet, pumpkin, leek, or fish head representing a wish or blessing for prosperity and health in the coming year. It is held up, prayed to and then eaten as if personally absorbing the good wishes. His mother gives a creative twist to the traditional Seder and prepares some sumptuous delights which I look forward to especially the honey pomegranate cake, apple pumpkin pie and date coconut rolls. So I wish a ceremonial and joyful Rosh Hashanah to all of you and once again remind you to count your blessings every single day.

And when you get all crammed up in your head, remember to stop and say, “But first a cup o’ coffee.”

Have a great week ahead!

Upcoming Events!

Rosh Hashanah!
October 2-4, 2016
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World Heart Day!
September 29, 2016
World Heart Day!Send Ecard

All Angels Day!
September 29, 2016
All Angels DaySend Ecard!

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