Dads Are Imperfectly Perfect!

While mums often nag us to perfection, dads teach us how to be imperfectly perfect, which is much needed for balancing ourselves. Life throws at us unexpected expectations. Sometimes we aren’t prepared for the challenges. Posing perfection at those times could be taxing, that is when the little window of allowing ourselves to be sans judgement and beliefs is a savior.

The instinct of protection is natural to a dad like nurturing is to a mother. Dads indeed are the first hero in a child’s life. He introduces adventure, love and fun. He creates memories and makes sacrifices for the family. He loves his kids and their mother dearly inculcating the value of family in his children. He gets angry at times, gives in to the whims and makes mistakes. He then says sorry and makes up. He teaches the children to fall, get up, dust themselves off and keep moving on.

From being a lazy heap wrapped in covers oblivious to mom’s constant pokes to running insanely against time for putting the bread on the table, dads are unique and unbeatable.

Let’s make it special for dads on this Father’s Day with greetings that will put a smile on his face and wrinkle at the corner of his eyes. Let him shed a tear or two of joy for how much he is revered and loved by you.

Share Your Moments With Us!

Every step of the way, fathers have brought smiles and laughter into our lives. He has taught us the real meaning of life and instilled in us important lessons. Spread Father’s Day joy this year by taking a trip down memory lane and reminiscing over the time he taught you how to ride a bicycle or the time he cracked yet another ‘Dad Joke’. Share your most cherished memory of your father by writing to us on or messaging us on Facebook. Learn more by clicking here.

Wishes For The Best Dad In The World!

Wish Your Dad Happy Fathers's Day!

I Love You Dad!

Father’s Day Wishes For A Great Dad!

My Dad Is The Best!

A Man Who Puts His Family First!

Biffo The Skywriter.

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